Dreamslayer Studios: RPG Podcast

In this very special episode, Moira and the team return to her family home to unveil a mystery hidden in the very walls of McKenzie Manor. Elements of Moira's past come back to haunt and comfort her as she uses a Ouija board to contact Uncle Mac who reveals secrets from beyond the grave!

Show Notes

In this very special episode, Moira and the team return to her family home to unveil a mystery hidden in the very walls of McKenzie Manor. Elements of Moira's past come back to haunt and comfort her as she uses a Ouija board to contact Uncle Mac who reveals secrets from beyond the grave!

A Savage Worlds Actual Play Podcast

Music from this episode may come from the following sources: 
Thanks to our monthly supporters
  • Shawn Pearce (FluffyAlpacaGM)
  • Staci Teter
  • Artalis
  • Jonathan Morton
  • Oraxsis
  • Laura Shepherd
  • Clint Byrd
  • Michael Brightbill

What is Dreamslayer Studios: RPG Podcast?

Dreamslayer Studios RPG Podcast consists of a group of old school Role-Playing Game enthusiasts who have reunited to enjoy their old nerdy passion from years gone by. Led by Game Master, Christopher Tyner, the players will tackle all manner of adventures in various games, some familiar, and some which you may never have heard of before. What sets these players apart is their ability for improvisation. These adventures will focus on the true art of collaborative storytelling and push the boundaries of how you think about approaching your own role-playing games.