The Easeful Uplevel

If you are a nosey human like Erin and love to eavesdrop on conversations that don't involve you ... well this is your lucky week!! This week we are letting you be a fly on the wall to one of our early podcast branding sessions. This is a great episode for anyone who wants to launch their own brand, or start their own podcast. We drop you smack dab in the middle of our meeting where we are comparing notes on brands we look up to and our tolerance for observing copyright laws. Erin then goes on a riff about everything rebranding, which you are going to want to listen to because she has some very strong opinions on how to do it tastefully. She also provides a few questions to ask before you start that could potentially save yourself the headache all together. 

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What is The Easeful Uplevel?

Introducing the Easeful Uplevel Podcast- where we talk about entrepreneurship, spirituality and living a life in harmony in tune with your natural talents. This podcast is inspired by conversations we’ve been having our entire life as childhood friends and now as entrepreneurs. We are dreamers and we love to achieve big, but refuse to burn out while doing it. This is our journey on the Easeful Uplevel, we hope you come along for the ride & we can't wait to cheer on your own big dreams.

Erin (00:00.537)
Thanks, girl. That was a long one, actually. I love it. I loved it.

Allison (00:01.368)
That was great! That was high five! Yeah, that was a good one!

Allison (00:07.106)
I like the rambly conversation. Lately I've been following even just like really non well-known podcasts. Like, I don't know. There's one that has like three episodes and like has had like maybe 100 downloads or something of like, so, and these are like one of which is a social media, like a TikTok star who has like two million followers. So there's not many people listening yet, I guess. But I like, I listened to these two people ramble at each other for two hours, like as I was doing so, and I loved it. I just felt like I was like hanging out.

Erin (00:28.43)

Erin (00:36.281)
Did you see that? Yeah, I mean, I think like, so, whenever I would follow Maria Menounos' show, I learned so much from her about production, kind of similar to the other side of things, what is it, whatever list, smart lists, like how they give behind the scenes, but they would talk about their structure.

Allison (00:39.083)
I love a good ramble.

Allison (00:48.576)

Allison (00:55.469)


Erin (01:01.501)
and how they do things. And part of it is like forward messy action. Like, hey, we're having a great conversation in our backyard, let's get out our phones and like record it and then post it. And we're just calling it like a Saturday morning. They would call things like different stuff. Like every day would be a different theme. But sometimes on Saturday, you get the Saturday potluck, which is like the random conversations her and her husband were having. And they would just like be like, we have to tell everyone about this breakthrough. We're having a breakthrough. We're having the aha moment. Like.

Allison (01:28.495)
I actually love it.

Erin (01:30.881)
We gotta record it and share it. And I think there's something super heartwarming about that, even if it's not super produced. And then they would have other shows that were just, they would call them the chat show. So like on Mondays, they'd be like, it's a chat show. And it was like, you know, them talking about fashion, them talking about like their weekends, they talk about things they're learning, books they're reading, they would give like travel tips, like, you know, just talk, they would just ramble.

Allison (01:36.807)

Allison (01:57.911)

Erin (01:58.649)
So I don't know, I think that there's a lot of different ways to come at this. And there's really no wrong way. And also, Allison, if we have to validate ourselves, our production value is already better than the majority of shit out there. And so let's just gas ourselves up about that. We've been given only, I would say, in terms of our energy, we've been given 100%, but only executing.

Allison (02:01.75)
Yeah, I think there's a place for all of it.

Allison (02:12.398)
Girl, it's so good. Yeah, it's so good already.

Erin (02:25.477)
to our full capacity at like 50% because girl, we got businesses to run.

Allison (02:29.994)
Yeah, but we're getting there. I don't know, but I also have my first session, my first official session with Michael and like, well, I've got an hour break in which case I really do actually need to like do a few admin things that need to be done before the end of the month. But yeah, I'm really excited to meet with them. I know that they've been like collaborative. I don't know if I gave you updates on this yet in terms of like, they've actually been collaborating. Like,

Erin (02:40.045)
Yeah, take it.

Allison (02:56.902)
Us reaching out to them and asking for the song has prompted them to reach out to some like other people because they're trying to learn how to do their own self-production and realizing they don't know like there's things they still need to know how to do. So they've been like collaborating and writing music with people. I think there's already, I don't know if they've fully written it, but there's one song that they're really excited about this definitely within the vibe that might be good for us. But they're like, but they co-wrote it with someone else. So they're like, I just, they'll have to figure it all out. Right.

Erin (03:06.294)

Erin (03:17.474)
Oh, cool.

Allison (03:24.146)
if they're gonna use that or something adjacent or something, you know, like whatever. But they're like, they're making progress on it. And they're like, girl, this is so good. So it's just been like really cool that that's now like brought together like new collaborators in life. But I'm really excited for like, once we have our song, like I think as it all comes together, I feel like this is gonna be a world, I already can like see that this is like, I always think of like weirdly.

Erin (03:29.826)
Oh, that's cool.

Erin (03:45.846)

Erin (03:49.733)
world. We're creating a world.

Allison (03:50.774)
Like tone, you know, like, you know, like the tone it up world. I don't know why, but I always think of their branding because I feel like they did such a good fucking job. Such a good job. Like, right? You're like, I don't want to lift. I wouldn't want to lift weights with anyone else, but they're like on a Ferris wheel and they're like skipping through the beach. And I'm like, yes, we're on the beach girl. Like, let me do that. No, but truly, right? Like all of that kind of stuff, but they, their branding was so cute and all that. But I feel like we're like, I feel like it's just coming together. It's falling together.

Erin (03:54.269)
Mm-hmm. Me too. I love that. Yeah.

Erin (04:10.607)
It's true.

Erin (04:19.733)
It's naturally occurring and it's so interesting. People are so, people are into it. It's really, it's really, really cool. It's been a cool experience to do this with you just to like, you know, take it at our pace. I do wanna add some structure and figure out how we can like share duties and figure out what that looks like. I don't know what makes sense. I feel like we need like a.

Allison (04:22.495)
I'm so happy about it.

Allison (04:27.394)

Allison (04:40.062)
Yes. Yeah, for sure.

Erin (04:48.653)
business advent moment to figure out what that is because I don't wanna, what keeps coming to mind is like some stupid program like, but I don't wanna have necessarily a content management thing that we have to do, but like it would be nice to have like a board or a workflow that you and I can both kind of like log into and be like, okay, episode, cause like you also probably are like, oh shit, the episode's out, like now I gotta promote it, I didn't know when she's gonna put it out.

Allison (04:50.866)

Allison (05:03.808)

Erin (05:18.249)
And then I'm like doing it, I mean, I try and do it Friday afternoons, but also it'd be nice for you to see like, okay, Episode five in production of final edits will be done. Like usually I edit it after like today. I'll edit it and then, and then we'll, and then it could say like, social media clips, three social media clips built and then three off the cuff.

Allison (05:18.647)

Allison (05:33.014)

Erin (05:47.297)
like funny random reels built. Cause we can't just have like clips of the show. We should also have like real moments along with that. And then also we should probably start doing more of like also like talking to the camera type stuff.

Allison (05:47.563)

Allison (05:55.798)

Erin (06:08.857)
just like on our stories, just to like start building in the community intentionally, but I know we can't do all this now, like at this moment, like there's only probably like a few things we can do, but like if we, honestly, like as I've been going through this process, I'm like, let me just add one new thing every week. So let me get better at the captions. Okay, now the captions are how I like them. Okay, now let me add the colors. Like I've just been like one thing I can add to make it look better.

Allison (06:30.242)

Allison (06:35.362)
Yeah, yeah. Well, I would love to like cross train all of this with you because I feel like, yeah, sometimes I get tech overwhelmed and once I learn it, I'm good. You know what I mean? Like it's more of like the daunting the initial, but yeah, but no, but I love this concept though. Well, there's like all, we need to look into, there's like all sorts of apps out there. I mean, there's obviously like Asana and some of these.

Erin (06:49.267)
That's why I couldn't share in the duties because I had tech overwhelm and I had to learn it. I can't be learning and teaching.

Allison (07:03.702)
like paid workflows. You know what I'm talking about, although we don't necessarily need to do that. I also know there's like.

Erin (07:05.441)
Yeah. I was like, do we need that? Does that feel icky? Because it is just like one extra thing to do or is that helpful? I don't know.

Allison (07:12.082)
No, no, I actually would love, well, it's up to you, but I actually think something like that could be really, really helpful. Cause I get the sense that you are doing a ton of stuff and I'm sure you are. And I also know that it's kind of invisible to me. You know what I mean? Like on the other side of things of like how, cause I'm like, she's uploading it to all of these platforms. I'm like literally like, I have no idea. First of all, what are you doing? How are you doing? But I think, but if you, if you were willing to like,

Erin (07:36.133)

Allison (07:41.782)
break it down if that's what didn't sound too overwhelming of like, these are all the things. Like I would love to look at all that kind of stuff and start picking things out to like learn how to do. Some I might be able to pick up right away and like prioritize that. And like, once I have a to-do list and especially when it's due to somebody else. So it's not just me doing things for my business, but like, for Gretchen I'm on top of my shit or like, you know, like some of this kind of stuff. It really helps me to have the list though, for sure. Cause my brain otherwise it's like.

Erin (07:43.478)

Erin (07:50.392)
I will.

Erin (08:03.761)

Allison (08:10.198)
And if I had like a routine of checking in with an app or, or it could even be like a Google doc that we share with each other or like our spreadsheet or something or Google spreadsheet or, yeah, Monday, yeah.

Erin (08:15.881)
Yeah, I was thinking either a Google doc or yeah, or a sauna or Monday or whatever. But I was also like, do we need that? Or can we just hack it into a Google doc? Like, I'm always thinking like, okay, there's so many technologies out there that are supposed to make your business easier, but do they actually do that? Or is there a free version that's just the same? You know what I mean? I'm always like, well, okay. Yeah, I can always spend on something.

Allison (08:27.924)

Allison (08:39.629)

Erin (08:44.405)
And I'm not trying to come from a place of lack, but I also think sometimes it's overcomplicating. It's like.

Allison (08:44.621)

No, but I don't think our... Well, that's the thing is I actually, I think there's probably plenty of free tools. No, because we don't have a business of 30 people. Like between two people, it can be pretty simple, I would think. So, no, I think we absolutely should have something. Because I also would love to get good at like pulling and creating these social media clips and like the reels and all that kind of stuff. Like I would love to like take over some of that stuff too. You know, and then...

Erin (08:56.586)
Yeah, just us.

Yeah, so maybe a Google Doc.

Erin (09:10.757)

Erin (09:15.625)
Yeah, I have to figure out also like, I think you and I need to talk about our risk tolerance for content because like, for example, we're set up as a personal account, but eventually we're going to have to grow to be a business account. Business accounts, you can't use like copyrighted music. You have to use the generic shit. You also have to be careful about like the cab cut.

Allison (09:16.514)
posted throughout.

Allison (09:30.013)

Allison (09:36.864)

Erin (09:39.581)
memes. I mean, I went out on a limb and I used one on my TikTok, but also like I could have the Fox search like come at me and be like, hey, we're recalling this meme and you used it. Like that's a scenario that could play out with those things. Like

Allison (09:44.014)

Allison (09:54.399)

Erin (09:58.233)
So it's, I mean, likely it probably wouldn't play out, but if Ryan Gosling all of a sudden got pissed because someone was using his like an image all over and he wanted to get paid for that, then he could come after me, for example, for posting that on my business account and getting my 200 views. So like that's where it's like, okay, we have to figure out like very likely, is he gonna do that? No, it actually really helps him to have his picture out there to the world because has he done anything recently?

Allison (10:01.73)

Allison (10:07.352)

Allison (10:11.348)

Allison (10:17.245)

Allison (10:25.921)

Erin (10:28.207)
that off like with his videos? No. So it keeps him relevant. And I also noticed like Theo Vaughn like posted some stuff. I'm pretty sure that he paid for someone to post it. So it's interesting because it's just like these things that you and I should be on the same level about in terms of our risk tolerance. Like yeah okay we're willing to take that. And that's in a partnership. It's like we have to do that together.

Allison (10:31.019)

Allison (10:39.017)

Allison (10:46.415)

Allison (10:50.934)

Allison (10:57.05)
Well, yeah, I mean, this is the thing. I will say that I probably err on the side of risk taking in general and at the same time, if you were like, no, we're not doing that, I would trust you. Like I would follow your advice instantly. So if you were like, this is something to not take a risk on, I'd be like total. You know what I mean? But yeah.

Erin (11:13.154)

Erin (11:17.993)
Yeah. When it comes to the cap cut stuff, I usually err, I usually say no, because usually I can make something that's more impactful and more personal to me. What, and usually I'm not going to get like some sort of boost from the algorithm as like from getting on the trend. So usually for those I'm like, no, I'm just going to make my own shit. But then like sometimes it is helpful. So I don't know.

Allison (11:29.46)

Allison (11:46.186)
Yeah, well then maybe it could be like in general, because I don't do much cap cut to be honest, although I did make one for my account that is like, that is the Ryan Gosling who's like, yeah.

Erin (11:52.437)
You and I did the same one because it was so good. Yeah. I was like, what do you want? And I was like, yours was so good. Mine was so good. Like that's where it's like, Oh, like you want, you want. Like you just want CapCut though, to come out and be like, Hey, we vetted all these templates. Like they could solve all this and all this gray area and actually boost the usage of their stuff. But on their.

Allison (12:00.594)
Yeah, that's true. That's true. That's a movie. Yeah, that's true. I didn't even think about the now that's a good point.

Allison (12:15.19)

Erin (12:15.773)
in their T's and C's, they're like, use it at your own risk because they're not going to take responsibility. So it's really a fault of the business owner. Same with music. So music, I'm actually really a lot more cautious about more than just the cap cut. Like I used like actual real music because we have a personal account for easeful up level, but probably we'll stop doing some of that once we get into a business account.

Allison (12:19.182)

I'm glad you're bringing this up because I didn't even think about that, but that is so true, yeah.

Allison (12:43.262)
Yeah. Well, I don't use I used to always try to put like a trending song underneath things, but I've stopped. I just do my just my voice and I don't know if that's good or not good. But like, I like don't even add music anymore.

Erin (12:45.607)

Erin (12:51.381)
Yeah. No, I think it's good. It just, it just, these things are like gray areas and it's frustrating because it's like, there's no good answer because it's also gray. And then it's, it's like, you know, it could, like I said, it could be solved by someone just being like, yeah, I'm putting this out for general usage. Rights. It's annoying.

Allison (12:59.925)

Allison (13:14.942)
Yeah. Well, listen. Well, we have a good relationship with an aligned musician.

No, I'm honestly, see, even like, honestly, his word to the tree song, if we were like, hey, can we sign a contract that you're okay with us using it to promote it?

Erin (13:25.581)
Thank you.

Erin (13:32.926)
Yeah. Right.

Allison (13:34.302)
and you're gonna sign that, you know, and then at any point, if you don't want us to use it, let us know, but like, and then we'll stop using it after that point and you're not gonna do the Dawson's Creek thing where they pulled, I don't wanna wait. Do you remember that on streaming platforms?

Erin (13:49.545)
No, what they did.

Allison (13:50.602)
Oh, at one point, oh gosh, like it was on Hulu or somewhere, but you know like the iconic, like Dawson's Creek song? I don't know, maybe you weren't as big of a fan as I was. But it's like literally the intro music is so iconic and so good, it's like, do do, do do. Anyways, it's like, if you have to, it comes on and you have to like sing it with your whole lungs, like as it, it's like the best part.

Erin (13:59.297)
Yeah, I wasn't, but I do know the song.

Erin (14:09.802)

Erin (14:16.846)

Allison (14:18.818)
Anyways, on streaming platforms, I guess when they like put it up initially on Hulu or Netflix or wherever, I guess they didn't get the licensing for that song. So they had to use some other like intro music. It was so weird. Cause it just goes to show how like the branding sticks, speak to rebranding, sticks in your brain where I was like, I hate that. Like I would have to like hurry up and skip the song. Cause I was like, I hate this so much. Like I hate it.

Erin (14:29.265)

Erin (14:34.283)
Oh girl.

Erin (14:43.613)
Oh my gosh, that's awesome. We should do a podcast on rebranding. Branding and rebranding. I know, I wanna record content on it, but I was like not in the zone. But I'm glad that you texted me. I was like, I'll get to it once my energy gets back. Once my energy's right.

Allison (14:44.487)
Anyways, it's a-

For sure, for sure. It's like the theme. I'm not regretting.

Allison (15:01.686)
Well, it also just... I've... yeah. Yeah. Well, I think it also just goes to show.

Erin (15:08.853)
It's difficult to do though, because sometimes there's gray areas in that too. Like there's one woman who's rebranding because she wants it to be her name and I totally agree with that. I don't think she's actually having a life crisis. I think she's having like a moment of coming into herself, which is much different. And she hasn't built up any brand awareness around her, like that, not that much around her business. And the name of the business is complicated. So she has like,

Allison (15:18.254)

Allison (15:25.034)

Erin (15:37.333)
already a complicated name and then the business name was complicated. So between trying to promote like spell the way she says her name and then spell the way she says her business and it was just like a big inhibition. And it's like well if you haven't built up much credibility with your business then just go with your name and like own the fact that you are the practitioner, you are the expert. So that's interesting.

Allison (15:40.117)


Allison (16:04.498)
Yeah, well, I mean, something like that makes sense in terms of refining your business as it goes, taking feedback, because I'm guessing she had people that were like, you were so hard to find, because I didn't spell it right, or so long, or I got confused or whatever. So does that like make sense? Whereas like, when I was texting about it, I was like, I'm bored with my name. I'm bored.

Erin (16:13.561)

Erin (16:21.493)
You're like, I have no actually it was like not even that you were bored It was that you had all these other ideas that you were misconstruing You were like I want to do all these other things and it's almost like these are like beautiful business ideas That need to be part of your business But like don't need to be The business, you know what? I mean, they're like it's a separate thing It's like and that happens a lot to me too. Like for example

Allison (16:28.226)

Allison (16:43.379)
Yeah, yeah. Yeah.

Erin (16:49.281)
When I'm working with my mom on her business, she has all these ideas for different businesses that she wants to do. Like she wants to do this flower therapy thing. And I'm like, that is your business. Just put it, you have 25 years of brand equity. Just put it as an offering within your existing business and go with that versus having to spin off a whole new brand from scratch and try and build up your credibility.

Allison (17:08.088)

Erin (17:14.957)
But I do love changing your name on Instagram. I think you should do that.

Allison (17:15.01)

Yeah, yeah, well, that's different. Yeah, I think it feels like in terms of social media handles, I mean, I know, I guess it matters. But to me, maybe that's a little bit different than like changing your whole business name, rebranding your entire website, you know, like making your brand totally. Well, that's the thing. Like I seriously just like was looking at some brands where I did not recognize I'm like going into apps I was using all the time. And I was like, I the font is different. The colors. Am I in the same?

Erin (17:32.421)
changing your business colors.

Allison (17:47.362)
app, like they restructured it all, I literally didn't think it was the same thing. And I also didn't see any notices that they were changing any of it. And I subscribed to their like email newsletters and all this kind of stuff. Like some of these...

Erin (17:57.609)
they should have brought you along on the journey. Because actually there's.

Allison (17:59.854)
I mean, it was probably somewhere, but it wasn't, they needed to, yeah, yeah.

Erin (18:03.433)
wasn't overt, they hit it because they were afraid. They're afraid that you would drop off. And that's another thing that companies do is they don't give you any forewarning. You don't have to have like a whole separate campaign around your rebrand if you're gonna rebrand to do it effectively, which people don't realize.

Allison (18:16.49)
Yeah. I would have almost wanted them to like change the colors first and then the thoughts. Let my brain, you know what I mean? Like other than like, I'm not even in the same thing anymore. Is this even the same service? It's like really interesting.

Erin (18:30.021)
There's one service provider that I'm thinking of and her name is Angelica Ray, shout out to her. I don't know her, I've never talked to her in my life, but she is a very powerful creator, very powerful writer, very powerful intuitive. And she actually rebranded her entire offerings and she brought the...

audience along in such a beautiful way that actually it made me want to purchase her new offerings in her new brand even more Than the original because she explained exactly why she was doing what she was doing and all of it was leaning into The growth that she's had over since she started her business five or so years ago I don't know when how when she started her business, but i'm assuming she's at least five or ten years in

way and brought along the audience that it was like yes we are stepping into our greater truth together and that was actually probably the best rebrand online that I've ever seen because it was so powerful it was such like it was such an emotional experience even for me who has never purchased her product never talked to her but has followed her on social media for several years so I think

Allison (19:44.695)

Erin (19:50.985)
anyone who wants to do a rebrand out, ask like I did for you, I asked you the questions why and what came up was more so that you had these beautiful ideas that wanted to come through. You also felt like you were stepping into your more authentic voice. And so how can we actually feed that energy into your existing business where you have the credibility built up and then also tactfully change your socials.

Allison (20:13.474)

Allison (20:18.232)

Erin (20:19.009)
And I think what we do for you is the same thing that woman did is like we talk about, okay, we're gonna be changing our name, be changing the social media name. The business name isn't changing, the business is the same, but I'm showing up differently on social media, I'm more in myself and this is the reason why. But I also think we do it when we're not enrolling in a program, so.

Allison (20:38.542)

Allison (20:43.113)
No, for sure. Well, I mean, yeah.

Erin (20:43.565)
So like in a few weeks, you can make that change and tell people that you're doing it. And I think that story is so powerful for you to tell on a newsletter, on your Instagram. And you don't have to do that. You don't owe anyone that. But I do think that it would be a really beautiful teaching moment that would also show people the growth that you've had, the growth that you promise in your business. And honestly, make them excited to work with you.

Allison (20:54.286)
Thanks for watching!

Allison (21:10.186)
Yeah, well, it's so funny because it's like, I think some of it too is when you're first starting out in business, there's a lot of imposter syndrome. And sometimes a little bit of like, I need to put up a front so that this looks legit because I don't believe that it's legit yet. Or like, I know for sure the first iteration of my website, there was like, I was like, here at Self Care Consulting, we, it was just me, but we were working on ba ba, right, to look like it's a company. But it-

The we was me, girl. And I was like, well, at some point, maybe I'll have a team. And I had moments of hiring various people on for various things. But at the end of the day, I think we'll see what the future holds. But I have a feeling it'll always be more or less a solo brand with some contractors or other people supporting me. But the business is me. So it's interesting to hide behind the business versus get out in front of the business and be like, it's always been me. And it's, you know.

And in fact, people aren't coming to the business for the business, they're coming to the business to work with me, because it is me. You know what I mean? So it's just like, it has been an evolution that I also think a lot of the people I work with would identify with some of that journey too, right? So the storytelling behind it, that's so cool to use it as a tool to deepen the process versus it being like a liable, not a liability, but like, you know what I mean of like, we're gonna take a hit for this, you know, yeah.

Erin (22:10.595)

Erin (22:16.901)

Erin (22:28.565)
Yeah, well, people drop off. They don't, you know, you will experience some drop off in terms of like when people search for you and things like that. I think because you've always had your name and your profile, I can search Allison and it pops up. So I'm excited for the change because then when I tag you, it's gonna say your name and not self-care consulting. So it will definitely be more personable, but.

Yeah, I think for me too, I went to the identity crisis when I started my business. I was like, do I need it to be, do I just have my handle of social interaction? Do I need the company? And I had the same realization, it's like, no, people are hiring me. Like people are wanting to work with this iteration of my offerings because of me. And so I'm always going to position it that way. And I actually don't have it positioned as well for growth.

to bring on other people, even though that could happen. But I also have chosen for it to be very focused in on me and my offerings and my coaching, because I know that is ultimately what people are wanting. So I have to just, I have to go with that. That's what the market wants. Maybe I'll find another me one day, but this is what I want. And girl, we just slipped right into this. I didn't mean to record it or anything. I know you have to go.

Allison (23:37.034)
Yeah. Well, yeah. Yeah. Well, it is so funny too.

Allison (23:48.914)
Yeah, yeah, no, listen, I think that it needed to be had, right? This, everyone, nobody with a business rebrand until you talk to Erin first, okay? Because it's funny. Yeah, no, but like if you need to, she'll help you do it tastefully, smartly. Otherwise she might be like, you are creating work that you do not need to create for yourself, oh my goodness, just make a package and a program with your brand. No, but like it is interesting too, I think.

Erin (23:58.597)
I have my feelings, I have thoughts on it. I've been through a lot of rebrands.

Erin (24:06.041)

Allison (24:16.902)
Again, as you look forward into your business and what kind of growth that you want, I think too, a lot of times there's like this, this happens in corporate too, this stereotypical path that you think that you have to follow to quote unquote be successful. And some of it is like just, oh, exponential growth, but with growth comes complexity, building a team, managing a team, like all of that kind of stuff. For some people, it's what they're gonna wanna do and it's gonna be amazing. I don't know that I ever wanna manage a big team. We'll see.

Maybe, but I think you and I, at least at this stage in our life, love simplicity. We're trying to relax our nervous systems and stop overthinking. We're on this whole personal journey to just make life simpler and flowier and more easeful and more aligned and all that kind of stuff. And I think it's interesting too, in terms of building a successful business that can still grow, but doesn't actually necessarily have to become all that much more complex unless you want to make it work.

Erin (24:50.35)

Allison (25:14.766)
If that makes sense. Like you have a choice. In this video of like how it goes.

Erin (25:15.765)
Yes, you have a choice. In corporate world, you don't have a choice. It just gets more and more complicated and usually more and more convoluted. And then you just are going along with it and hopefully you can make these things happen. Your team keeps growing. I'm luxuriating in the simplicity. I just gotta take care of me, my clients. We just gotta show up for each other and that's it right now.

Allison (25:24.814)

They promote you, and yeah, all of a sudden you got like 200 people under you. You're like, oh my gosh, what do I do with all these people? Yeah.

Me too.

Allison (25:42.03)
Mm-hmm. Yeah. Oh, for sure.

Erin (25:43.997)
I would love an assistant at some point though, like someone who can, and I would totally bring on collaborators for creative output. So things like video editing or anyone who would bring like fresh ideas, a lot of times that's really valuable. But in terms of service providing, it would have to be a very specific.

Allison (25:51.758)
Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Allison (26:01.934)

Erin (26:09.269)
individual that I think I would bring on to actually provide the services because I always want people to feel like they're getting my expertise and I think sometimes it can get a little tricky when you purchase against someone that you enjoy work, you know, you want to work with and then you get on the back end someone else that you're mostly working with that can feel kind of a little difficult if it's not positioned in the right way.

Allison (26:38.286)
Yeah. Yup. I don't know. Oh, this is so good. Yeah, we got a mini episode on Brandy. We'll loop background.

Erin (26:41.413)
So yeah, anyways, girl, mini episode. We didn't mean to record that. The only thing I was thinking of today, which was hilarious, is like shit that I would do when I was in my people pleasing self, like that I didn't think I was gonna get away with. Like, for example, I was talking to Renji about how whenever we first met, I would never want him to see me without my hair up because my ears stick out. And I was always so self-conscious about that. I don't mind it anymore, whatever. They're cute, little elf-field.

Allison (26:54.734)

Allison (27:08.302)

Erin (27:10.941)
ears. I love it. But I would never let him see me like that. And like we went to breakfast this week. And if we would have, you know, on Saturday or whatever. And I was cracking up because I was like my old self would have been like, let me make myself presentable for breakfast. No one can ever see me. And I would like spend all this time. And I'm like, what? He's not gonna find out what I look like? Like what?

Allison (27:39.438)
Yeah, yeah. So funny.

Erin (27:40.897)
I was cracking up at that this weekend. I thought you would appreciate that. I was like, is he like not gonna find out? As if he's not gonna marry me and like see me in my worst case scenarios. It was hilarious.

Allison (27:44.302)
I've always loved your ears.

Allison (27:51.502)
God forbid she has ears that stick out just a little bit.

Erin (27:56.841)
God forbid, she doesn't sleep in her makeup.

Allison (27:57.006)
It is so funny too that the way we overblow our own things, whereas mostly people would probably not even notice your ears to you. You know what I mean? They're like, oh my gosh. Yeah.

Erin (28:05.161)
No, to me it's like they're crazy. Yeah, it's fascinating. I don't know, it's like, cause Renji was asking me like, why do women get injections in their face when it's like plastic? And half the people who get the injections, it's like, they are very healthy individuals. They work out, they try to eat well, and they're getting like the plastic injections in their cheeks and in their lips, like filler in their lips and things. They're like, literally it's.

Allison (28:17.262)

Allison (28:27.374)
Like filler stuff, yeah.

Erin (28:33.221)
toxic, it's never been studied, we're just putting in our bodies. And he asked me why women do that. And I was like, well, let me reflect. And that's what I came up with. I was like, listen, me 15 years ago was trying to hide the fact that my ears stick out in front of someone who I knew was going to be my husband. How long did I think that was going to be able to be kept up? Like, what? There's no-

Allison (28:37.454)

Allison (28:42.862)

Allison (29:00.238)
Yeah, yeah.

Erin (29:01.661)
logical reason. There's no logic there, but that's where I was in my mindset. So who's to say I wouldn't have gotten lip injections if it was available, you know?

Allison (29:06.446)
And maybe.

Allison (29:11.182)
Well, and honestly, depending on where you were at and what was available to you, would you have had the surgery to have your ears pinned or whatever, right? I mean, that's like a thing, right? Like there's something for everything, but in terms of like the things that... Yeah.

Erin (29:17.797)

Actually, no, I always felt weird about that. My mom told me she would get it for me because I always was so hung up on it and my intuition always told me no. And that was like something I always followed. I was like, no, I don't feel good about that. Even as much as I hate this right now.

Allison (29:28.558)
Don't touch it. Yeah.

Mm-hmm. Yeah. Listen, I've had self-consciousness about my teeth. I have one of my teeth as an implant because it got damaged when I was a kid. And for a long time, I didn't want to smile. All my pictures, I was like, mm. Right? Listen, there's a time and a place for sassy, toothless smile, or no teeth smile, or whatever you want to call it. But yeah, but it's like.

If I'm worried that people are gonna think that this is not attractive and therefore I'm gonna mean mug them so that they think I'm more attractive, you know, like, it's just like, doesn't make any damn sense versus like, why don't I beam my smile? Honestly, if I just even didn't have a, if I had a whole tooth missing here but was beaming a smile, someone would probably think that was adorable and wanna be my friend. Like, what am I? Yeah.

Erin (30:17.925)
Absolutely, I did have that for a while whenever I had to get all my teeth pulled for braces. So You didn't stop being my friend

Allison (30:23.95)
Yeah, like, it's just crazy. It all goes back to like attractiveness comes from energy. More than how you actually look like if we all just worked on our energy, man, we'd be sexy as hell. Look at any type of way. Just feel on ourselves. Let me just feel it. Let me feel my elf ears. I'm freaking Arawan or whatever her name was. Like Lord of the Rings had to be in prosthetics for hours to get this kind of.

Erin (30:31.844)
That's it's how like

Erin (30:38.105)
Oh, life goal.

Erin (30:46.39)
I know.

Erin (30:50.653)
I could have done that shit. Oh, natural. I know, it's true. Always ethereal. But anyways, I had that realization. I was like, that's freaking hilarious. I have to tell Alison.

Allison (30:51.502)
this kind of elven, you're just part of the fey. You're just part of the, you're just, you've been ethereal since birth and you can't help it.

Allison (31:04.238)
That's amazing. I know. I think about the kind of stuff too every so often of like stuff that I disliked about myself. I don't know. Even this is interesting too, actually I was having this conversation with someone about like the way that your body changes before and after having kids, right? It does change your body. It just does. And in the fact that I love my body so much more now than I did back when I was like a lot.

Erin (31:20.296)

Allison (31:30.926)
thinner and a lot like all of these things right or I'll look at pictures where I'm like I thought I looked so gross and I'm looking at me now like she was a super model like or she was like she looked so good like look she thought that she was fat like what is that oh thank you I was gonna say I'm still feeling it listen I'm in my MILF era and I'm owning it it's a different flavor

Erin (31:33.245)
When you had your six pack.

Erin (31:40.076)
You were a supermodel, Allison. You really were. You still are though. You still are.

Erin (31:51.269)
I don't know.

Erin (31:55.178)
Oh, okay.

Allison (31:56.622)
Erin's like, we're not posting this. She's gone off the rails. She's too crazy.

Erin (32:00.717)
This is a crazy, this is a crazy Alison I love. This is what I support. I was just thinking about the implications of putting out there that you're a MILF, but. This is a pastor's life, everyone.

Allison (32:04.43)
Listen, I don't, you can put that out there. I'm not taking the pass.

Allison (32:11.886)
Okay, the invitation only stands to my husband. No, I was gonna say it. We're not inviting anyone else into this, but I'm feeling myself, okay? And we all should, okay?

Erin (32:21.505)
No, you should. You should feel yourself. I mean, that has been my journey as well. I mean, I've put on some weight in the past years and I'm going with it. I feel myself. I like my curb. I like my curb.

Allison (32:33.294)
We're pushing 35. We just... This is what it is. We got some. We got some stuff.

Erin (32:39.285)
I know. I literally told my husband, I was like, I know that I have a little bit of pooch, I'm working on it, but like, you are lucky because you got this ass, ass and these tits, like you are fucking lucky.

Allison (32:52.398)
And now the show is just fully gone off it. You should be so lucky You should just yeah worship this That'll be our next unhinged Erin and Alison go off to the deep end with self-confidence

Erin (32:57.698)
You should.

Anyways, well, we got that on record. If you ever want to use it.

Erin (33:08.6)
Oh girl we should do air unhinged with Erin and Allison and just post it.

Allison (33:15.15)
It just could be just like clips of us. It's like gonna be clips of me just like, look at my shoes. Like this like, or that one time I was like showing you the inflatables that were like just like chaotically bouncing across my yard. So it's tough.

Erin (33:23.294)

Erin (33:30.405)
writing this down. Okay, Rachel, I wanna, so Rachel got her books for two, five, I believe.

Allison (33:36.174)
Oh yeah.

Allison (33:41.07)
Perfect. Yeah, I reached out to Zoe today. We'll see what she can do.

Erin (33:43.985)
Um, she is definitely, she's gotta get on here. She's not an energy giver. Uh, no, she's not. When is, when did we set it up with her?

It's not two five. It's two 12. So for Alicia, I wanna talk about what we wanna talk about with her, but I'm not really worried about that because it'll be amazing. I think what we need to talk to her about is like, our job is gonna be to make sure that we help her promote herself in that moment. So as hosts, I wanna make sure that we're talking about her areas of expertise because I think that she would.

Allison (34:03.694)

Allison (34:08.366)

Allison (34:19.054)
Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Erin (34:27.841)
she might not do that as much for herself. So I wanna talk about energy work. I wanna talk about like how her sessions go, like what she does in the sessions. I wanna give her content that we can clip down and give to her to put on her socials. So she has something. And then like talk about our experience working with her.

Allison (34:33.934)

Allison (34:44.686)

Erin (34:51.161)
and then also have the organic conversation of like protecting your energy or like whatever we talk about that day I feel like it'll be magical with her

Allison (34:56.494)

Yeah, for sure. Well, I would love to just ask her genuinely curious questions of like, well, especially because she's got specialties in like, are you VEDA? And so if someone is like brand new to the world of are you VEDA, what do you recommend? Like, how do they get started? Or what would you want people to know? So these might be some good questions to send her ahead of time for her to think about. But she can also kind of go off the cuff. She doesn't have to overly prepare. Or do you think we should send her those? Or do you think she'll overthink it?

Erin (35:04.153)

Erin (35:24.446)

Erin (35:28.493)
I'll ask her what her preference is. Does she want us, want to hear it ahead of time? Like see the questions ahead of time or what? And then maybe I'll just send you like a Google doc and we can like write a few questions.

Allison (35:38.894)
Because yeah, and I love what you're saying about like what happens in your sessions or I would love to even share about like craniosacral a little bit of, you know, inviting her to explain actually what's going on. But like my experience on the table, receiving it is like so cool. Like, like feeling my nervous system resetting as she's like doing her stuff. Yeah, it's really cool.

Erin (35:58.317)
I'm excited to experience that in Sedona. I'm gonna ask her, can she give me a little taste of it? I have no idea what that is. Yeah. Okay, so for Alicia, I mean, like I said, I'm not as concerned, but I just want to support her so she can get as much as she can out of this. Rachel, she's asked for a list of questions. I was on her podcast, actually. It's called Intuitively Wild.

Allison (36:05.07)
Oh, she a thousand percent will. She will, she a thousand percent will, yeah. It's amazing.

Allison (36:28.302)

Erin (36:28.533)
and she listens to an episode at least or two of her podcasts so you can get like her energy. She's an interesting one because she is not going to give you vibes back. So when you talk to her, when you interface with her, she's very much like

Allison (36:32.974)
Mm-hmm. Yeah. Okay.

Allison (36:43.022)

Erin (36:50.613)
I don't know how to explain it, but it's not like with Alicia where you get some an energetic response back. She's much more like flat, but she's so smart and what she does. It's not like a, that's not a discredit of her, but I wanted to tell you that because whenever I got on her podcast, it was like weird, like it was like I was talking to a wall.

Allison (36:54.894)
Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Allison (37:04.398)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, but, well... Yeah.

Erin (37:13.261)
basically the whole time and it really, really threw me off. So for her, I do, but I think it'll be cool because she wants to do human design. That's her offering and her, so she offered to read our charts together.

Allison (37:13.678)

Allison (37:23.726)
Mmm. Yeah.

Allison (37:29.806)
See, that would be cool. Well, I think that would be helpful too, because I think sometimes it's awkward too, where if there's like someone on one vibe and we're on a different one, if we're just like, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, and she's like, human design. But I, so I think that's helpful if we come in of like just more of like a calm, peaceful, inquisitive energy or something, right? Or we're like, or like we've just, we would love to ask you more.

Erin (37:30.932)
So that'll be cool.

Erin (37:42.293)

Erin (37:51.796)

Allison (37:53.614)
right, and give her the stage. So I think that makes sense for that to be like more of a chill or like, like a positive low energy, if that makes sense, right? Like chill energy.

Erin (38:00.149)
Yeah, she's amazing. She's recovered from an eating disorder. She went into treatment in 2020. She was part of my Soul class with Nikki. She was part of the Shine class. And she teaches people how to connect with their intuition. And that's her main reason for working. So she does human design, she does herbalism, she does yoga.

Allison (38:09.614)
Oh cool.

Allison (38:19.31)

Allison (38:24.814)

Erin (38:25.225)
She has like her own apothecary and stuff. So there's a lot we can ask. She's asked for a list of questions. She gave me a list of questions whenever I was on hers. So that would be one I want to prioritize writing out questions. So we can ask her and give her like a heads up.

Allison (38:37.422)
Okay, yeah.

Erin (38:42.433)
Elizabeth is awesome. She's gonna be one that we will be vibing high. Like when you talk to her, she's very much like, I mean, she's amazing speaker. She's like, you can get on like, it's gonna be, it's gonna be high vibe, like super high energy. So she's the inner child healer and she really wants to get into this picture because I told her the picture is gone.

Allison (38:58.574)

Erin (39:11.101)
And she wants to sound off on that. But I think that'll be more of a girl chat type situation too because she's very, very vocal. She's fun. She's real fun. But we need to give her a date. So I was gonna ask you, she can only do it on the weekend because she's actually, she's in the trades. She's actually a mechanic by day and then intuitive healer by night.

Allison (39:13.198)
Wait, that would be so fun.

Allison (39:20.27)
Oh, that'll be fun. I'm excited for that, yeah.

Erin (39:35.425)
And she's just stepping into her intuitive healing abilities. It was like, I helped her with her marketing. Like it was a big like moment when she got on Instagram and started posting about stuff.

Allison (39:35.566)
It's so cool.

Allison (39:47.79)
She might be one that we need to do like two hours of recording if she's up for it I'm serious like and maybe have a part one and part two because like there's so much like even this her story of like Mechanic by day like all of this. I look like there's so much that is just gold You know Yeah

Erin (39:52.038)
Yeah, we should.

Erin (40:02.613)
Yeah, and she is gold. Like her personality is amazing. So we are very lucky to have her. Ha ha ha.

Allison (40:08.558)
Oh, that was so good.

Cause I think it would be cool to have like, there might be certain podcasts that are just like our home run ones that we like even promote after the fact. If that makes sense. Like I always think of, have you seen like the chicken shop dates girl, Amelia, something or other? I'll send you, I'll send you one. So she's like this British, I don't know what you call her. Kind of like a TMZ personality-ish type, but she's awesome. So she's funny. Her whole thing is she takes celebrities on dates.

Erin (40:21.029)

Erin (40:25.554)
Ooh, no, I'm... I'm gonna have to pick her up.

Erin (40:35.478)
like that.

Allison (40:40.142)
in this chicken shop, like as if they're on a Tinder date or something for the first time. And she's like kind of a bitch. Yeah, she's like blonde. She's very dry, but she's so quick-witted and so funny. But the whole thing is she did this interview with Jack Harlow that people went nuts over. And so that's like, they promote it all the time because their chemistry on it, because the whole thing is most people feel like awkward. She's kind of like Zach Galifianakis, like between two

Erin (40:43.92)

Actually, I have heard of her. Yeah.

Erin (40:51.213)
Yeah, I know who she is.

Erin (40:56.799)

Allison (41:07.982)
ferns where people come on and they're like, he's being awkward so I feel awkward. Jack Harlow was like trying to get her to fold basically. So he's flirting with her really heavily. And it got all of these likes. I've probably rewatched that interview. I don't know how many times because it's so compelling and so funny and he has jokes and she has jokes. So that's one that they boost that one over and over again because it's like the perfect way to draw people into her world. So I was just thinking about that in terms of like, if we have any of these really high vibe ones,

Erin (41:22.913)

Erin (41:32.485)

Allison (41:38.19)
I don't know exactly how we might promote it, but here, there, every so often releasing, like here's a throwback from our conversation with Dylan. So, or referencing it later of like, today we talked about the photo came back. You should watch episode this and this. I gotta find this photo. I truly, like I literally set it in a place to like keep it and it's gone. And I asked Eric, I'm like, did you put it somewhere? He's like, no.

Erin (41:43.701)
Yes, totally. And it's gonna be.

Erin (41:50.665)
Yeah, I mean, this is a reoccurring, this is a reoccurring storyline we got going on here. So.

Allison (42:05.678)
But this has happened more than once. And then I find it in these random places where I'm like, how did it get there? I'm like, did you put it there? No.

Erin (42:12.009)
Yeah, we'll talk about this for sure. That's forget, I don't, I'm like my mind is crazy, but I know you gotta go. Yeah, and I don't know where it is. Okay, Allison, no, I went back and it's blank. There's where there is a picture, where you send me the picture, it's white and there's a, it's just white and it's like a white box. And then there's text here and text here and then.

Allison (42:15.438)
Dude, I sent you a picture of it, didn't I? I feel like I sent you more than one picture. I went through my.

Allison (42:34.478)

Allison (42:38.99)
It wasn't even in my camera roll. And I took pictures of it multiple times. And I'm like, why would I have deleted this?

Erin (42:44.413)
Oh my god, this is wild because it should be in my text message thread. So it's deleted off of both of our camera rolls. So this is like quantum.

Allison (42:51.374)
I wanna know what she has to say.

And the physical pictures disappeared. I trust it'll come back, but I don't know, yeah. Power went.

Erin (43:00.897)
I mean it will be back, it'll definitely be back. But where, when, and how, and what is my ninth, or fourth grade year old self doing? I think I'm nine year old. She's off to something. Girl.

Allison (43:11.726)
She's up to something. She's just time traveling. I don't know, she's doing something. Oh my goodness.

Erin (43:18.861)
All right, so I need a time for Elizabeth on the weekend. She basically is free like any weekend. So what vibes with you and your schedule?

Allison (43:23.662)

Allison (43:31.534)
Usually Saturday mornings, Saturday morning to afternoon would be good. Yeah. I would just usually I have either like an for my time 8 AM or 9 AM I often have, although usually my Saturday morning people are pretty willing to be early. Because what time zone is she in? Do you know?

Erin (43:35.959)
Yeah, yeah for sure before noon I think my time I try and cut it off before noon.

Erin (43:52.417)
Mm-hmm. She lives in LA, so she's on Pacific, and I'm on Mountain, so she and then you're on Eastern. So, what time in?

Allison (43:56.462)
Oh, okay. Okay. We're like boom, boom, boom, right? Yeah.

So, okay, then if I'm on the later time zone, then.

That actually would work out. Cause then if you guys had wanted to do like, if she wanted to do a nine or a 10, that would be like.

Erin (44:16.229)
Maybe we can do a 10.

Allison (44:18.894)
Like, I knew in my time.

Erin (44:21.389)
Which would be, so 10 a.m. her time. We'll ask her if she wants to do 10, because I feel like that's early enough. I don't know if she's a morning person or not, but let's propose 10 a.m. 10 or if she says maybe 11. But I feel like 10 a.m. would be good. Nine or 10, I wish it could be nine.

Allison (44:26.894)

Allison (44:33.102)
We can ask her.

Allison (44:37.55)

Honestly, any time on Saturday, because my thought is, there might be someone who wants my 8 o'clock, 8 o'clock, or 9 o'clock spot, which would be her 6 or 7 spot. So it's not going to conflict. I usually have someone early morning, like one or two people early morning Saturday. So I think just whenever she wants to do on Saturday, we'll likely line up with what I'm up to.

Erin (45:00.99)
Okay, 10am hard times like 11am my time which is like 11.

11, 12, two or 1 p.m. your time.

Erin (45:14.153)
Or no, you're central. Ah! I was going to Eastern! Allison, you're central! So... Yeah, 12 million.

Allison (45:16.59)
Yeah. Oh, yeah. So I was gonna say if it's 10 her time, it'll be 12 mine. Yeah, that would be ideal, especially if we if we happen to be recording for two hours.

Erin (45:25.865)
Yeah, where I think we're gonna need two hours, so we're gonna get into it. We'll see how it goes. Okay, cool. And then for the day, she said she's open any day. So what would be?

Allison (45:29.87)
Yeah. Yeah.

Erin (45:40.069)
Do you want to text me whatever Saturday?

Allison (45:40.43)
For Saturday. I think the only weekend that I'm not available is when I'm in Arizona with you. Right now I don't have anything planned for anything else. So it's pretty wide open, probably like any Saturday. I'm trying to think. I don't think I have any conflicts.

Erin (45:48.473)
Hey girl.

Erin (45:57.81)
Um, in terms of, so maybe the third or the tenth.

That might be a lot of podcasting if we're doing the fifth. Yeah, so maybe. So, I'm gonna go ahead and do the fifth.

Allison (46:08.974)
I don't care. It's up to you. It's up to how you feel.

Erin (46:13.453)
We're doing the third. I'll say either the third or tenth, and then I'll see what she decides.

Allison (46:15.854)
You could give her some options.

Listen, we have momenta. I'm having a lot of fun here. And my kids are healthy.

Erin (46:25.007)
I'm having, I'm having, I feel like I'm having fun too. I have more energy. I mean, we just went for longer than we thought. We just did two hours of podcasting and I just got this mic going. So this one's going to be difficult to cut down, but, um, that last one was a tight 45 girl.

Allison (46:31.342)

Allison (46:37.998)

Allison (46:42.094)
Listen, if we go back into the branding, I think there was like at least, that could be a mini-sew. Yeah. Or even just for your channels or whatever. But I think that would be a fun one. Cool. Well, I should probably go.

Erin (46:47.973)
I'm going to pull that one for sure. Things are logging into it. Yeah.

Erin (46:56.865)
Yeah, so in your meeting with Word to the Trees, or that's not their name, but in your meeting with Michael, are you doing therapy? Are you checking in on the song? Like what is the?

Allison (47:03.822)

Allison (47:07.726)
So yeah, coaching basically, self therapy adjacent, but yeah, because I think, I mean, this will be our first official one. So I usually do like, what is it that you want to get?

Erin (47:09.785)
Good. Yay.