The Counter Narrative

Join REWA from The Pink Room, a female-focused financial literacy platform, as we dive into the world of money, investing, and how women can take control of their financial futures. Discover the secrets to building wealth and learn why financial education is the key to breaking the glass ceiling. Tune in to the Counternarrative podcast and unlock the power of financial literacy for women.


00:00 - Introduction
01:12 - Could you dispel some common myths about women and financial literacy
or independence?
03:15 - You initiated The Pink Room project. What inspired this venture, and what
future developments are in store?
04:50 - Working at Chapel Hill Denham, where women hold significant leadership roles,
how does this reflect on the broader topic of women achieving success in both their
careers and personal lives?
07:10 - What are some frequent financial missteps women make, and how can our
listeners steer clear of them?
17:37 - How can women enhance their financial literacy, particularly in budgeting,
loans, savings, and investing? Are there specific tools or resources you recommend?
27:27 - Research indicates a correlation between female breadwinners and an
increased risk of domestic violence and emotional abuse. Why do you believe this
31:54 - How can women navigate financial decisions in their romantic relationships and
marriages while maintaining independence and avoiding financial abuse?
40:39 - Lastly, for our young female listeners eager for advice on career development
and financial success; what guidance can you offer based on your experiences?
45:10 - Sign out


The Counter Narrative on Instagram  and Twitter

Creators & Guests

Rihanot Ojo-Oba
Mom, Gender Advocate, Kindness Ambassador, Vlogger.
Tiaraoluwa Fadeyi
Co-host of The COunter Narrative
Showcasing art by REWA

What is The Counter Narrative?

Hosted by Rihanot Ojo-Oba and Tiaraoluwa Fadeyi, The Counter Narrative seeks to dismantle gender biases and promote inclusivity by challenging prevailing narratives perpetuating gender disparities. Through insightful discussions with experts, they address common misconceptions about women, media representation, and biases present in expert panels.