Our guest today has actually been involved in Watergate, Whitewater, and Worldcom but not in the way you might expect. He’s done detective work with the data. Chris Muller got his start in 1978 when he was in charge of software development for a financial printing company. The things he learned there were the seeds to the birth and growth of his current business.
Show Notes
Our guest today has actually been involved in Watergate, Whitewater, and Worldcom but not in the way you might expect. He’s done detective work with the data.
Chris Muller got his start in 1978 when he was in charge of software development for a financial printing company. The things he learned there were the seeds to the birth and growth of his current business.
As the Founder, Owner and CEO of
Muller Media Conversions Chris spends his time extracting and translating data from old media. This might mean something as simple as moving old data files to a new operating system or as complex as trying to discover what data is housed on an old media tape, creating a method to decode it and then translate the content to a readable and convenient format.
We’ll also get you caught up on the latest industry news.
Enjoy the show.
Creators & Guests
Tom Adams
An executive coach, Tom Adams helps entrepreneurs & executives expand the vision of their lives so that they flourish & as a result, their businesses will too.
What is The RIMproReport with Tom Adams?
The RIMproReport was a weekly show dedicated to the RIM services industry featuring industry news, updates, products and services as well as interviews with interesting industry business leaders, practitioners and experts that ran officially from July 2010 through January 2014. It was hosted by Tom Adams, industry consultant, advisor and coach.