Financial Futures

Born between about 1980 and 1996, millennials saw the advent of the internet--unlike Gen Z, who were born after it became a household term. Living online comes naturally to millennials, but they still remember and value older ways of doing things. That means companies have to up their omnichannel marketing game if they want to win over this versatile crowd.

We talk with a member of the millennial generation today as we continue our series on how the generations like to shop and pay. Ellen Straus, the strategic sales director of global e-commerce and retail at FIS Worldpay, tells us why she and her peers embrace digital payments but still like to shop in stores, and how retailers can use data to engage millennials with the meaningful online and “IRL” experiences they seek.

Show Notes

Born between about 1980 and 1996, millennials saw the advent of the internet--unlike Gen Z, who were born after it became a household term. Living online comes naturally to millennials, but they still remember and value older ways of doing things. That means companies have to up their omnichannel marketing game if they want to win over this versatile crowd.

We talk with a member of the millennial generation today as we continue our series on how the generations like to shop and pay. Ellen Straus, the strategic sales director of global e-commerce and retail at FIS Worldpay, tells us why she and her peers embrace digital payments but still like to shop in stores, and how retailers can use data to engage millennials with the meaningful online and “IRL” experiences they seek. 

FIS Worldpay’s Ellen Straus is our insider guide to millennials as we explore trends in how her generation likes to shop and pay. 

Topics include:
  • Why millennials like to research online but shop in stores
  • How brick and mortar stores contribute to the brand experience
  • What millennials expect from an omnichannel shopping experience
  • How data can help brands engage millennials at every touchpoint 

What is Financial Futures?

The way we move money is changing. Fast. We want control at the touch of a finger-print. We want to send money in real-time – to the other side of the world. We want everything in one place, integrated, seamless and on our devices. Ubiquitous, embedded, fast, standardized, frictionless and secure. Global finance trends are hurling towards a unanimous conclusion.

These are our Financial Futures.

Each episode, we size up the bleeding edge of fintech innovation and explore the trends that are already transforming the way the world pays, banks and invests across the globe. And the mechanisms we’ll need to prosper in this brave new landscape.

Is the world’s technology up to the challenge? Are we?