Good News for Today

The arrival of the Paris 2024 Olympics and Paralympics offers an unparalleled opportunity. More than 10,500 athletes are gathering from nearly every nation on Earth…many who do not have access to the Gospel. The Olympic games also shift the mindset of locals, whose hearts may be open to different ideas they hear from visitors. Protestants account for less than 2% of the French population, and evangelicals only 1%. There are 32 sports planned for the summer games and the competition spans all the way through August 11. Pray that athletes and fans who are believers and Gospel workers who are in Paris will have opportunities for conversations and building relationships to help share their hope with others.
A law blocking most abortions in Iowa goes into effect today. The law bans abortions past six weeks. Since being passed by the Iowa legislature it has faced legal hurdles with the latest ruling coming just last week. Gov. Kim Reynolds called it a win for life. Fourteen states have laws similar to the one in Iowa. According to Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, “The Fetal Heartbeat Act passed in Iowa protects 2,093 lives annually at the point in pregnancy when unborn children have over a 90% chance of surviving.
In his book Deeper, Dane Ortlund says painful honesty is necessary for spiritual growth. ““You restrict your growth if you do not do the painful, humiliating, liberating work of cheerfully bringing your failure out from the darkness of secrecy into the light of acknowledgment before a Christian brother or sister,” he writes. If we are not honest with ourselves and others about our need for growth, we will not grow. First John 1:7 speaks of “fellowship with one another,” that helps believers grow. Ortlund says it depends on honesty and authenticity.
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Good News for Today shares and spotlights the good God is doing in this world. Through the stories of Baptist Press, we’ll introduce you to Christians and churches who are making an impact for the glory of God.