Church Without Walls

Have you been keeping up to date with what is happening in the world? There is a system that is unfolding that will bring the entire population to its knees... It is happening exactly as the Bible has laid out...

But fear not! For we have a hope that will not disappoint! Tune in for this amazing series as we break down how the rapture is God's rescue plan for the church. We are not appointed unto wrath and we will escape the chaos that is coming.

Show Notes

Have you been keeping up to date with what is happening in the world? There is a system that is unfolding that will bring the entire population to its knees... It is happening exactly as the Bible has laid out...

But fear not! For we have a hope that will not disappoint! Tune in for this amazing series as we break down how the rapture is God's rescue plan for the church. We are not appointed unto wrath and we will escape the chaos that is coming. 

What is Church Without Walls?

Weekly sermon uploads from Church Without Walls Johannesburg, South Africa. Subscribe to this podcast to hear the true gospel of Jesus Christ and how abundant life is yours as an inheritance! Peace in this chaotic world is not about returning to normal, it's about being found in Christ!