ConveYour: On Learning & Development

In this episode, Stephen Rhyne, the Founder & President of, explains why he created the Training Outcome Designer™. We hope this tool will enable you to drive outcomes! See the full description for how to get your free copy.

Show Notes

Today, more than ever, businesses are focusing on driving outcomes.  They cannot afford to train without success.  However, there is often a disconnect between managers/directors/stakeholders, and those who are creating the training.  This is due, in part, to a miscommunication.  Trainers often feel that they need to focus on course completion, employee satisfaction, and the ease of using an LMS.  However, stakeholders don't simply want completion and satisfaction.  They desire changes from the learners that result in higher productivity and profit.  By learning how to clearly define the outcome, Stephen hopes the Training Outcome Designer™ will build a bridge between the two parties...because both want the overall success of their people and their company.

To download your free PDF of the Training Outcome Designer™, text "#outcomes" (include the hashtag) to 512-379-5599, or click on this link: Training Outcome Designer.

What is ConveYour: On Learning & Development?

The purpose of this podcast is to help people involved in training level up their skills in learning and development. We talk about training concepts and emerging technologies like micro-learning.