LGT Capital Partners Insights

In our inaugural edition of CP Insights, we explore the forces that are driving markets as the world is undergoing a series of transitions. Specifically, we take a closer look at Managed Futures investment strategies and explain how they are qualified to help investors navigate through the currently prevailing major macro-economic shifts.

Show Notes

In our inaugural edition of CP Insights, we explore the forces that are driving markets as the world is undergoing a series of transitions. Specifically, we take a closer look at Managed Futures investment strategies and explain how they are qualified to help investors navigate through the currently prevailing major macro-economic shifts.

What is LGT Capital Partners Insights?

Welcome to our new educational series, LGT Capital Partners Insights. At LGT Capital Partners we have been standing by our clients' side for almost 25 years. Going forward, we intend to make the special experience we have made as a Principal investor available to a wider audience. With CP Insights, we will provide you with educational but easily digestible whitepapers, podcasts or webinars on a large variety of alternative investment classes and strategies.