The Evenlode Podcast

In this month's investment view, we provide an overview of recent market and fund performance and recap what we are trying to achieve with the fund - investing in companies that can grow their cash flows through time, reinvest in themselves to generate further returns and pay a growing dividend to shareholders.


Please note, these views represent the opinions of the Evenlode team as of 28th May 2024 and do not constitute investment advice.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. The value of investments can go down as well as up, and investors may not get back the money they invested. Current forecasts are provided for transparency purposes, are subject to change and are not guaranteed.

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What is The Evenlode Podcast?

Evenlode is a dedicated, independent investment team based in rural Oxfordshire, UK.

Our podcast episodes focus on the Evenlode funds, updating investors on performance, and general macro environment.