Glitter & Doom

What do Janelle Monae, Yelp reviews of plantations and Russian Dixies have to do with artist, Dread Scott?

Dread Scott wants us to remember that history is not so far from our present. His work often looks to the past in order to imagine a more just future, and perhaps no project embodies that more as his recent "Slave Rebellion Reenactment." In this piece, Scott brought the Slave Rebellion of 1811 back to life in New Orleans over the course of two days back in November, and he joined MacKenzie in the studio to talk about the project, his influences and punching Nazis.

What is Glitter & Doom?

Glitter & Doom is a podcast built on the idea that the darkest of times yields some of the most evocative works of art. Join MacKenzie Fegan and a featured artist every other Wednesday for an inside look at their latest works and how it responds to today's burning issues, and we get a little lost along the way.