Mission Forge

For a little more than $235 you can complete a solid prospecting package and be ready to get referrals and repeat business. In 20 days or less you will be front of mind in dozens and dozens of consumers' minds when it comes to real estate.

Show Notes

10 FAST and LOW COST things to do between now and 1/1/23 to start the hear on the right foot~START NOW!

$30 Send 20 notecards to 20 past clients (or prospects)—message, it’s been a while, how have you been.  Wishing you the best new year.  No biz card, no mention of RE.

$75 5 Pop-bys A level $15 each

$25 5 pop-ys B level $5 each

$5 5 pop-bys C level $1 each, such as 7-11 gift card or Starbucks Giftcard

$12 Take your two favorite vendors for coffee, discuss your mutual goals

FREE Identify 15 RE/MAX referral partners across the country on Social Media and start a campaign.  They should be productive and active on Social Media.

$20 Hand out 200 business cards (10 a day) between now and the Kick Of Office meeting.

FREE  Wear your nametag EVERYDAY.

$10 personalize your license plate to Real Estate.

FREE-identify and listen to positive business podcasts.   Suggestions, Brian Buffini, Zero to Diamond, Turn the Dial, Darren Daily, etc.

$60 BONUS # 11 subscribe to photofy App or Canva App for great Digitial Content Creation. RE/MAX special.....enter your RE/MAX ($60 annually is increasing to $99 on 1/15/23).  Photofy will allow you to get a solid foothold in Social with excellent tools and fantastic Graphics.  Digital exposure is going to be critical and will give you far more exposure than any print advertising.  Sign up via MaxCenter and you will need your RE/MAX number from your profile.

Total  $237


What is Mission Forge?

Welcome to Mission Forge where we engage one another, empower each other, and elevate the real estate world around us.