Today in the EU

After the European Parliament elections in June, the fate of 119 legislative files unfinished in this mandate will hang in the balance.
The new parliament must decide whether and how to address these pending issues. This decision is expected to fuel political debates and shape the direction of EU policymaking in the upcoming five-year term, as indicated by recent polls.
But are all these files to be affected? To look into the fate of the unfinished files we are joined by Max Girera, Euractiv's Network journalist.
In this episode you will find more about:
  • Fate of 119 unfinished legislative files uncertain after European Parliament elections
  • New Parliament must decide whether and how to address these pending issues
  • Decision expected to fuel political debates and shape EU policymaking in upcoming term
  • Files include child sexual abuse material regulation, lobby transparency, genetically modified crops, and animal welfare rules
  • Some files pending due to Council not reaching a position, others still in preparatory phase
  • New Parliament can continue working on files or potentially drop them based on priorities

What is Today in the EU?

Today in the EU is the first daily podcast dedicated to politics and policy in the European Union. Every morning at 6 am, hosts Evi Kiorri and Giada Santana, in conversation with Euractiv’s specialised journalists, discuss the latest in the EU bubble. Tune in to be informed about what is going on in the EU, in less than fifteen minutes.

The podcast covers a wide range of topics, including EU politics and institutions, elections, shifts in political power among EU parties (EPP, PES, ALDE, GUE, Greens), G7, EU enlargement, member states, economics, finance, tech regulations, environmental policy, climate change, agrifood, agriculture policy, health, and pandemic treaties.

Featured guests include international political leaders and EU regulators like Ursula Von Der Leyen, Josep Borrell, Pedro Sanchez, Emmanuel Macron, Giorgia Meloni, Marine Le Pen, Geert Wilders, Donald Tusk, Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin, and Joe Biden.

Euractiv’s analysis is enriched with the latest reports from esteemed international organizations such as the United Nations, the World Bank, and European institutions.

The production team includes producers Nicoletta Ionta and Miriam Saénz de Tejada, along with hosts Evi Kiorri and Giada Santana.