Fear the 'Fro: A Cleveland Cavaliers Podcast

Fear the 'Fro recaps the Cavs first loss of the season, but the takeaways are surprisingly optimistic.  Jayson Tatum and the C's were blistering from outside the arc, and Darius struggled mightily, but the Cavaliers nearly pulled off the impossible, falling just short of completing a massive comeback.  The audio mailbag is featured prominently in this pod.

What is Fear the 'Fro: A Cleveland Cavaliers Podcast?

A Cleveland Cavs and NBA-centric basketball podcast from lifelong Cavaliers fan, Bob Schmidt. Reach Bob at bob@fropod.com, or @fearthefropod on Instagram, and X (Twitter).

Join the 'Fro discord here: https://discord.gg/gzmbTrhg