The Ten Thousand Things

Fatherhood, parenting / capitalism / identity
1. Camille Paglia, Sexual Personae / Paternity may be a legal fiction. Who is the father of any son that any son should love him or he any son? James Joyce
Feeling like you have to do heaps with yr kids. They wanna chill. So do you. Connect with yr kids through frustration. Deal with dumb stuff by getting on the same page and conspiring in fun 
2. Capitalism: what even am it? Magic? Water? Do we live in capitalism, or social democracy with regulated markets? Neo-liberalism?
Capitalism lifted millions from poverty? Or state investment in infrastructure, development and services? Regulation or free market? Both 
Are u out of Marxism if you buy a cheap house and it goes up? R u hypocritical if you talk about overthrowing capitalism but also cash in? Did they get rich from capitalism or government intervention: wealth transfer via Peter Costello?
Shut up about capitalism/socialism? Centrism or leftism? Look at data, history, work with others to get things we need. Back away from hating/loving capitalism/socialism and get in the messy middle, away from hope and fear, from the exalted self and the lowly self.
Is $ real? Just shut up and make $ or do something useful? Make art or money, stop whinging? 
Not the end of the world. End of capitalism? Francis Fukuyama, The End of History and the Last Man (1992) Liberalism 4eva? Good one, Francis. Maybe he gets the last laugh one day 
Getting excited by Bernie Sanders. But we already have medicare for all in Australia yay! Why so obsessed with America? We need USA in one piece
Frederic Jameson: Postmodernism or the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism (1985) describes the culture we've been living in. is actually a pretty old idea
You first see a food delivery worker. Do you think 'that's capitalism' or 'the last days of the Roman Empire'? Amazon = own system: not free market or capitalism. Techno-feudalism. Yanis Varoufakis explains.
3. Identity: kids teach you how identity is made. Watch carefully. Gender made by childhood consumption. Is Identity choice, or thrust upon us? Does it limit the freedom of all? Identity is oppression? 
Krishna: Abandon all varieties of religion and surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reaction. Do not fear Neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, man nor woman, for you are all one in Christ Jesus - Galatians 3:28
Paul Watson Christianity that frees us from violence and identity? Escape identity through God? But we can't all Jesus. Meditation? Joe's prayer: I ask only to be free of self-pity and selfishness and do my small part. Joe drops the W word - wokeism. Douglas Murray, beware identity politics cos whitey can do it too, has been for years.
Slavoi Zizek: I'm not saying anything big or revolutionary, we need a little bit more radical politics, but like, social democracy. I’m very much against all this Nietzschean “against good and evil” ideas. I’m for kind of a common morality. There are no big provocations here
Examine whiteness? Sure. It's more about working together than being pure. Hate wins if we concentrate on identity? Time to get workin class? We're all working class. Greens are watermelons, red inside?
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Show Notes

Fatherhood, parenting / capitalism / identity
1. Camille Paglia, Sexual Personae / Paternity may be a legal fiction. Who is the father of any son that any son should love him or he any son? James Joyce
Feeling like you have to do heaps with yr kids. They wanna chill. So do you. Connect with yr kids through frustration. Deal with dumb stuff by getting on the same page and conspiring in fun 
2. Capitalism: what even am it? Magic? Water? Do we live in capitalism, or social democracy with regulated markets? Neo-liberalism?
Capitalism lifted millions from poverty? Or state investment in infrastructure, development and services? Regulation or free market? Both 
Are u out of Marxism if you buy a cheap house and it goes up? R u hypocritical if you talk about overthrowing capitalism but also cash in? Did they get rich from capitalism or government intervention: wealth transfer via Peter Costello?
Shut up about capitalism/socialism? Centrism or leftism? Look at data, history, work with others to get things we need. Back away from hating/loving capitalism/socialism and get in the messy middle, away from hope and fear, from the exalted self and the lowly self.
Is $ real? Just shut up and make $ or do something useful? Make art or money, stop whinging? 
Not the end of the world. End of capitalism? Francis Fukuyama, The End of History and the Last Man (1992) Liberalism 4eva? Good one, Francis. Maybe he gets the last laugh one day 
Getting excited by Bernie Sanders. But we already have medicare for all in Australia yay! Why so obsessed with America? We need USA in one piece
Frederic Jameson: Postmodernism or the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism (1985) describes the culture we've been living in. is actually a pretty old idea
You first see a food delivery worker. Do you think 'that's capitalism' or 'the last days of the Roman Empire'? Amazon = own system: not free market or capitalism. Techno-feudalism. Yanis Varoufakis explains.
3. Identity: kids teach you how identity is made. Watch carefully. Gender made by childhood consumption. Is Identity choice, or thrust upon us? Does it limit the freedom of all? Identity is oppression? 
Krishna: Abandon all varieties of religion and surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reaction. Do not fear Neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, man nor woman, for you are all one in Christ Jesus - Galatians 3:28
Paul Watson Christianity that frees us from violence and identity? Escape identity through God? But we can't all be Jesus. Meditation? Joe's prayer: I ask only to be free of self-pity and selfishness and do my small part. Joe drops the W word - wokeism. Douglas Murray, beware identity politics cos whitey can do it too, has been for years.
Slavoi Zizek: I'm not saying anything big or revolutionary, we need a little bit more radical politics, but like, social democracy. I’m very much against all this Nietzschean “against good and evil” ideas. I’m for kind of a common morality. There are no big provocations here
Examine whiteness? Sure. It's more about working together than being pure. Hate wins if we concentrate on identity? Time to get workin class? We're all working class. Greens are watermelons, red inside?
Share an ep, follow, chuck some stars if you please. A thousand thanks.

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or email, that’s the classy thing to do

Musical theme by maestro Ehsan Gelsi recorded live at the Melbourne Town Hall


Creators & Guests

Joe Loh
Film crew guy and mental health care worker with aspirations of being a small town intellectual one day.
Sam Ellis
Teacher/father/leftist loonie/raised hare Krishna and have never quite renounced it - "I just have one more thing to say, then I’ll let you speak"

What is The Ten Thousand Things?

Sometimes deep, often amusing, therapeutic chats touching on philosophy, spirituality, religion, consciousness, culture, music, dating, and life. Join Sam, Joe and Ali as they discuss the 10,000 illusions that make up “reality”.

Musical theme by Ehsan Gelsi - Ephemera (Live at Melbourne Town Hall)