The marketANDgrow Show

Allen Korenstein sits down with Sajid Islam to talk all things Camino Brewing Company. As CEO and Co-Founder, Allen tells his story of the full Camino journey: from Spain to San Jose. Through ups and downs, Allen has been the marketing person that used the resources he had, beginning with events marketing, to social media managing, to their email subscription. He talks about how SEO is vital because putting yourself at the top of a search page means more people coming to your brick-and-mortar shop. He admits it’s hard to step into SEO investments because it takes a substantial budget to get that kind of marketing off the ground, but once you have the money, SEO will create more people coming to the brewery or recognizing their logo in stores. Allen says he’s interested in SEO because he’s all about planting seeds that will give back returns for a lifetime.

What is The marketANDgrow Show?

The marketANDgrow Show interviews small business owners to discuss digital marketing strategy, product development, and creative innovations that have helped them drive growth and promote sales through challenging times.