Trve. Cvlt. Pop!

Welcome back to our search for the worst album ever made, here on Trve. Crvp. Pop!, the Trve. Cvlt. Pop! spin off. Nice eh! This week Steve and Sam are looking at the debut album from US electro duo The Chainsmokers, Memories... Do Not Open, released on the 7th of April 2017.

Who are The Chainsmokers you ask? Well, it's only Andrew "Drew" Taggart and Alexander "Alex" Pall, a pair of "musicians" from New York, who decided to pool their "TALENTS" together to create some electronic dance music back at the start of the 2010's when that sort of thing began to get popular in the USA. Their first hit was 2014's #Selfie, which was a deeply obnoxious, but weirdly popular, viral hit about how women are stupid, vacuous idiots, set to the sound of tuneless, brainless dubstep! Ugh! Well... at least they can't get any worse eh!... you might want to sit down, we have some bad news. Memories... Do Not Open is every bit as bad as its title would suggest, but instead of energy drink glugging, Spring Break-core, it is full of weepy, electro, plinky piano self-loathing and "deep" lyrical content. Somehow, it manages to make The Chainsmokers even more dislikable than they already were. Some achievement, and it makes our hosts as angry as they have ever been in podcast form for some time.
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What is Trve. Cvlt. Pop!?

Trve. Cvlt. Pop! Is a music podcast that doesn’t care about genre.