Drink Beer, Think Beer With John Holl

Troy Casey, the founder and brewer of Casey Brewing and Blending talks about fruits and woods, microbes and time, the glaring attention that comes with being a hype brewer, and how climate change impacts beer.

Show Notes

By now, you might be familiar with Troy Casey and his beer career. After graduating from the University of California at Davis he took a job with the company then known as MillerCoors, working in their Colorado brewery in the A.C. Coors division. It was a research and development facility where they would test out various recipes, noodle around with new ones and see if anything stuck that could eventually be scaled up to the big production brewery. 

It's a brewer’s dream. Great equipment, access to ingredients, and some of the smartest beer science minds at arm’s length. It also allowed for some creative license. While there he got the idea to brew a lambic-style ale and assembled it, barrels it and let it sit, testing it compulsively, until it was ready. 

It lit a fire in him and soon enough he and his wife Emily decided to open their own brewery where he could embrace sour and wood, play with fruits and let the style of beer that had captured his heart thrive and grow. 

The response was immediate with fans coming from around the country to visit the brewery in Western Colorado and lining up by the hundreds at beer festivals. 

As you’ll hear, the brewery has since grown and new styles have joined the mix, but there is still a twinkle in his voice when he talks about the style that started this part of his career. 

This Episode is sponsored by:

World Beer Awards
I’m honored to serve as a co-chair of judges for the U.S. portion this year and we’re bringing experienced, fair-minded, and engaged judges to Washington D.C. later on this summer to blind taste beers and to hand out medals. The World Beer Awards ensures that each beer is judged both rigorously and fairly to give it its best chance in the competition. If you’re a professional brewer, Learn more about the competition and categories and sign up to enter at WorldBeerAwards.com.  

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  • Host: John Holl
  • Guest: Troy Casey
  • Sponsors: World Beer Awards and The Beer Edge
  • Tags: Beer, Sour, Wood, Climate Change, Festivals, Fruit

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What is Drink Beer, Think Beer With John Holl?

Drink Beer, Think Beer is a weekly conversation with brewers, growers, and other brewing industry professionals that explores the art, culture, and business of craft beer. Hosted by John Holl and recorded on location, this podcast gets to the bottom of every pint and offers insight into the dynamic world of beer.