Notice the marketing targeted at you now that you're pregnant? All the baby things that the "experts", friends, and the Barista at your local Starbucks say your need for the baby? This week, tune in to find out what YOU need. And heads up.... mostly it's not stuff.

Show Notes

  • Get a water bottle! Save the earth and save your uterus from non-progressing contractions in the 3rd trimester!
  • You need some thick skin otherwise known as resilience.- folks are gonna have opinions but actually they may just wanna engage. 
  • Compassion.... Self-compassion.  Your lifestyle is gonna be altered and rather than viewing it as "I should be able to do this", how do you give yourself compassion for this stage of life.
  • Snacks everywhere! Keep the energy up and nausea away
  • Naps! There's research to back it up..... Jen can't remember where she read this but it's out there.
  • Research Skills.  You are gonna need a car seat etc but tap into the research others have done. Research the care options you have for birth.
  • Mom friends - be open to opportunities to find your people.
  • Reassurance. It's nice to be a little weird but when it comes to pregnancy, it's so nice to be normal. Look for the landmarks along the way to help you feel ok and not alone
  • A sense of humor- you gotta laugh at yourself. This is a crazy journey you're on.
  • Comfy clothes: boxer shorts anyone?
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Pushing It Podcast is here to help you bring your "F" word (AKA flexibility) to birth, find courage, and gain a sense of humor. Jen and Alise get honest and real about pregnancy, birth, and life with a baby. Finally, a podcast for everyone else having a baby that wants the down and dirty truth from Professionals who believe there is no "right" way to birth or parent. Jen and Alise have your back because if you can't laugh without peeing yourself, you might as well laugh at yourself while doing it. Birth is never boring, learning about shouldn't be either.