Personal Podiums

Coffee shops, yoga studios, and boutique donut spots are all usually signs of a shifting neighborhood. But that's not the case for Marcus, the fictional character on the FX on Hulu series The Bear, and Zedtiwu co owner of the Black-owned vegan donut shop Cloudy Donuts in Brooklyn, New York (with two additional locations in Baltimore, Maryland). Zewditu is living in the real life world we imagine Marcus's character could arrive in. 

We talk about reimagining narratives, digging deeper into craft,  process, and passions. What does a chef on a fictional show have to do with flow state? Or an entrepreneurial journey have to do with being a good teammate? Find out on this episode of Personal Podiums.


What is Personal Podiums?

We explore the defining gold, silver, and bronze moments of the world's best athletes & everyday runners. These stories help us make sense of who we are as people, and in turn, who we are as a sport.