Opening Weekend

Look, up in the sky! It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s Richard Pryor riding a flying shark over the Sarlacc pit…in 3-D!!! This week the boys celebrate the beginning of spring with a look back at some of the biggest 1983-quels: JAWS 3-D, SUPERMAN III, and RETURN OF THE JEDI! Special Guest, Kevin Shinick (Robot Chicken, Marvel, DC) returns to join in on the fun. No, Admiral Ackbar, it’s NOT a trap, it’s just Episode 75 of OPENING WEEKEND!

Show Notes

Look, up in the sky! It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s Richard Pryor riding a flying shark over the Sarlacc pit…in 3-D!!! This week the boys celebrate the beginning of spring with a look back at some of the biggest 1983-quels: JAWS 3-D, SUPERMAN III, and RETURN OF THE JEDI! Special Guest, Kevin Shinick (Robot Chicken, Marvel, DC) returns to join in on the fun.  No, Admiral Ackbar, it’s NOT a trap, it’s just Episode 75 of OPENING WEEKEND!

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water, there comes a third dimension of terror: Simon McCorkindale.  
Ah, the spring of 1983.  A truly wondrous time for Fred, Jason, Dan, and Kevin: so much anticipation, so much excitement, so little clothes on Carrie Fisher. 
De Wanna Wanga? Yes please!
As the visitors of SeaWorld were losing their heads, arms, and legs to a 3-D shark puppet, young Jason was losing his mind in the back of a comic-book shop to a stack of 2D Mad Magazines.  
And speaking of mad, you do NOT want to mess with Mrs. Shinick, lest you wanna get yourself grounded the night the new Star Wars movie opens! Momma don’t PLAY, Kevin!
While young Dan was being tortured by the images of floating 3-D fish heads, Fred was being tortured trying to avoid sneaking a peak at the “Return of the Jedi” comic book before seeing the movie…and by every single second of Superman III.
As the Ewoks sang, “Yub nub, ee chop yub nub!” Which translated means, “Pass me some more of that Colombian nose candy, Dennis Quaid!” 
Throw back some Johnny Walker Red, Supes, ‘cus it’s Episode 75 of Opening Weekend…in 3-D (3 Dummies)

What is Opening Weekend?

In a world where cinemas have closed their doors (at least for the time being), "Opening Weekend" celebrates one of the many things we’d all love to be doing right now - going to the movies on a Friday night with our friends... Every week, Jason O'Connell, Fred Berman, and Dan Matisa (best friends, professional actors, and self-professed movie geeks) look back at a different opening weekend from the last 40 years, and bask in the warm, nostalgic, popcorn-buttery glow of going to the movies.