Open Up & Pour

Award-winning Private Eye cartoonist, Tony Husband, and his friend, the ‘legendary’ master sommelier at Sam’s Chop House in Manchester, George Bergier, join Janet for a hilarious chat about favourite wines, vineyards and night-time haunts.

Show Notes

Tony Husband is a multi-award-winning cartoonist, most notably for Private Eye for almost 40 years.  Recently he created and illustrated a book called ‘Take Care Son’ which documents his father’s dementia. He creates all the limited-edition images for each of the winners of the People’s Choice Wine Awards categories and loves wine, Manchester United and tortoises (he has one called Steve).

George Bergier has a long list of accolades in the wine trade and is Manchester’s most loved Master Sommelier. He’s been described as a ‘drinks industry legend’ by Imbibe magazine and has been serving the wine-loving public of Manchester for over 50 years. He shares some of his favourite wine moments and some great tips on exciting new grape varieties appearing on restaurant wine lists. You can find George at Sam’s Chop House, part of the Victorian Chop House Group in Manchester.

What is Open Up & Pour?

Open Up & Pour is a podcast featuring interesting people who are enthusiastic about wines and spirits and who know a good thing when they taste it. In each episode the founder of the People’s Choice Drinks Awards, Janet Harrison, chats to one or two guests, from industry insiders to regular punters, to find out what it is they love about their favourite tipple.

The theme song, King of Wine, kindly supplied by The Original Rabbit Foot Spasm Band. Open Up & Pour is a Dap Dip production.