Swift Developer Podcast - App development and discussion

Ivan Novak has been weaving his own way through the tech world since 2006. Seventeen years on, he is now a self-taught software engineer. Ivan caught my attention after reading a blog post on Dev.to - passion and paying projects.
In this episode, we have a fascinating and thought-provoking discussion on this and other topics surrounding the creative field in which we all live and work.

Books by Ivan
Surviving Software Complexity Techniques for Taming the Beast
Scaling Success: Strategies for Growing Your Tech Team & Capabilities

Blog Post
Passion Projects vs. Paying Projects

  • (00:00) - Introduction
  • (00:19) - Ivan Novak
  • (01:16) - Passion Projects vs. Paying Projects
  • (14:33) - The joy of building a plane
  • (19:40) - Free Coffee from Trade Coffee
  • (21:56) - Schools and creativity
  • (26:03) - Managing for joy and productivity
  • (44:09) - Surviving Software Complexity Techniques for Taming the Beast
  • (46:49) - Scaling Success: Strategies for Growing Your Tech Team & Capabilities
  • (48:37) - Ivan Novak
  • (49:15) - Rate and review
  • (49:32) - Support the podcast

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Thanks to our monthly supporters
  • Tung Vo
  • Adam Wulf
  • bitSpectre
  • Arclite
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Creators & Guests

Ivan Novak
I’ve been weaving my own way through the tech world since 2006. I got my start on Elance while looking for a hobby studying Economics at Pepperdine University in Malibu, California — I’ve been hooked since! I found code to be a wonderfully structured outlet for creativity. Seventeen years on, I guess that means I am a self-taught software engineer, but I couldn't have done it without the wonderful teachers and mentors I’ve had over my career.

What is Swift Developer Podcast - App development and discussion?

Dive into the world of software development for Apple's diverse range of devices. Tune in for in-depth interviews with industry experts and the latest information. Whether you're an experienced developer or just starting, this podcast is your one-stop shop for everything related to Apple software development.