Risk Commentary

New website = RiskCommentary.ca
High Quality Risk Assessment implies comprehensive risk identification and a sensible assessment using four key criteria. I share a generic methodology developed and refined over years with clients.

Review of the advantages of round table method
Risk identification - finer points of risk formulation 
Facilitation - finer points of facilitation
LIFT: Listen; Interpret; Formulate; Test
Risk assessment - four aspects

Definition of High Quality Risk Assessment
“The comprehensive identification and analysis of phenomena that could prevent the achievement of objectives, or compromise associated values, of a researched and planned program, followed by a principled response.” (Solving the ERM Puzzle, p.11)

 Do you need a risk matrix (risk register) or other templates for risk assessment? Enterprise Risk Management Tools and Templates 
(Robertson 2016) Solving the Enterprise Risk Management Puzzle: Secrets to Successful Implementation
RIMS document, pdf download Exploring Risk Appetite and Risk Tolerance 

What is Risk Commentary?

New website: RiskCommentary.ca We see a contradiction: increased need for Enterprise Risk Management, while risk managers report low perceived value of their processes. High Quality Risk Assessment addresses uncertainty and helps solve chronic business problems. Join Edward Robertson, successful ERM practitioner, to discover a simple process that delivers clear value.