Taking Control: The ADHD Podcast

Today on the show we're talking to the kids. They're aware, they're living with ADHD, and there are some things they want you to know about their experience with ADHD that might just surprise you. Plus, they way they think about their ADHD might just influence the way you think about your own!

Show Notes

Today on the show we're talking to the kids.

Ok, not all the kids. We're starting with our kids, because they're ours, they live with ADHD, and they're pretty astute humans.
There are some things they want the rest of us to know about their experience with ADHD that might just surprise you.

What the Kids can Teach about ADHD

There are a few things that surprised us as we embarked on this journey to interview our kids about their experience with ADHD. First, they're usually ahead of us in their thinking. They've already done their own research, they understand modeling behavior and have started to pick up tips and tricks by simply observing other kids who have their skills on lock, and they aren't afraid to try new things.

Like most of us, they don't appreciate being criticized, and they don't always understand the scrutiny.

Most important, they can see when they're falling behind and they — again, like the rest of us — are frustrated.

We talk about the study skills and habits that the kids most appreciate, and the support systems they prefer when trying to be productive at home. We share their enthusiasm for the systems and opportunities set up by their teachers and support staff at school, and how their social groups see their ADHD. Finally, we have a few words on medication to report.

The bottom line, from the kids: "I wish people would be more understanding about my movement," and "Be gentle. I know how my brain works. I don't need you to tell me anymore. Just give me a little time to catch up."

We did a little research after this exploration with the kids and found a stunning parallel of reports from others around ADHD communities. There seems to be no time better than right in the middle of our family series to sit back and listen.

Links & Notes

  • (00:00) - Welcome to The ADHD Podcast
  • (03:09) - Support the Show • Become a Patron!
  • (05:04) - What the Kids Want You to Know

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What is Taking Control: The ADHD Podcast?

Nikki Kinzer and Pete Wright offer support, life management strategies, and time and technology tips, dedicated to anyone looking to take control while living with ADHD.