Murder & Mediumship

Your language matters in manifesting, but so does how you treat others and how you show up in the rest of the world. Listen in for a few little tips on how to open up to receive your desires more easily.

Show Notes

Your language matters in manifesting, but so does how you treat others and how you show up in the rest of the world. Listen in for a few little but impactful tips on how to open up to receive your desires more easily. If this resonates with you, then click below and join my one-day "Magic of Manifesting" workshop on January 29th!
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What is Murder & Mediumship?

Murder & Mediumship is true crime meets intuition. Host & Psychic Medium, Kathryn, turns over missing people and murder cases as most true crime podcasts do - but then connects as a psychic medium to the events as well as the spirit world to dissect the evidence & to discover the unknown.