It's Not About Food Podcast with Laurelee Roark

Starr Kelton-Locke
Trust is the knowing that our bodies are living intelligences, giving us immediate feedback about what does and doesn’t work for us. When we stop viewing our bodies as something we need to control and manipulate, we can begin seeing them as very wise teachers. When we start to trust our bodies, we can then listen and understand what they need. 

Starr Kelton-Locke, PhD, is a clinical psychologist in Marin County.  She has been helping people overcome eating disorders, depression, anxiety and relationship struggles for 34 years.  She works with individuals, couples, and families.
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What is It's Not About Food Podcast with Laurelee Roark?

It's Not About Food podcast is about learning how to love and accept the body you have, re-learn how to eat intuitively and to know how to take care of your emotions.