CoCreate with Brooke Snow

Have you ever felt like you were walking on eggshells in a relationship? We all know the feeling... we don't want to rock the boat and create chaos and drama, but we also doubt the possibility of experiencing authentic joy here as well because something is being suppressed. It's the elephant in the room that keeps us from feeling free to just be ourself. So we play safe. We play small. We make sure we don't tip into the direction of getting triggered, but we also aren't free to tip in the direction of play and joy. We have a very small range of what is tolerable. While we may fool ourselves into thinking this is what it takes to keep things "good" in the relationship, this narrow range is more like a prison than a safe zone. And it's not just our relationship with others that can operate here, but also our relationship with ourself. Yes, you can walk on eggshells with yourself! In this episode we are going to talk about how to expand our range of emotion, because life is so much richer when we can open up the range of what can be felt and experienced.


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What is CoCreate with Brooke Snow?

Join Brooke Snow in the journey of co creating a life from a place of unconditional love.