The Amanda Wagner Podcast

 In this episode, we:

- Talk about why it has taken us this long to do an episode on imposter syndrome
- Share our thoughts (and experiences) of being imposters, and link to some resources by experts
- Connect the dots between feeling like an imposter and motivation (and why “fake it till you make it” might not be great advice
- Offer some suggestions to combat these feelings (including a big ol’ reminder that we all think we are frauds - maybe that can be helpful)

From the episode:
- Fake It Till You Make It: Is It Really Good Advice?
- Being Boss - The Imposter Complex with Tanya Geisler
- The Attribution Theory In eLearning: Types, Dimensions And Stages
- Tanya Geisler's website

If you like this episode, you may enjoy these other episodes of The Amanda Wagner Podcast:
- Building legitimacy: What makes you feel pro?
- I believe in myself, but do I trust myself?
- Do you feel professional envy? How to use it to your advantage

The Amanda Wagner Podcast is the place for ambitious leaders and entrepreneurs who are done shopping for shortcuts, no longer waiting for an invitation to do what they want, and are ready to claim their spotlight. On this podcast, we talk about the challenges and triumphs of ambition and bravery, living thoughtfully and strategically in a noisy world, and share our experiences as entrepreneurs with big ambition.
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What is The Amanda Wagner Podcast?

The Amanda Wagner Podcast is the place to eavesdrop and participate in conversations about making choices about how you spend your time, who you surround yourself with, and figuring out what you want to be known for. This is a place to talk about the challenges of bravery, living thoughtfully and strategically, and finding a way to be known for something.

Your hosts are ambitious, thoughtful women who both want to be known for something, and decided to stop waiting for things to be ‘just so’. As clients zero and one of AW, we openly share our thoughts and experiences as we discuss the lives we want to live, the impact we want to have on the world, and what we want to be known for.