
Skip/Shuffle/Repeat Trailer Bonus Episode 15 Season 1

Architecture in Helsinki - Places Like This (2007)

Architecture in Helsinki - Places Like This (2007)Architecture in Helsinki - Places Like This (2007)

Well... we have arrived! It's the final episode of Season 1 and we chose a delightfully joyous album to celebrate the occasion: Architecture in Helsinki's Places Like This. This episode cuts deep into some core friendship memories. Listen to find out which one of us has zero chill when it comes to music super-fandom (as if you didn't already know!).

Thanks for being on this podcast journey with us! Send us your questions, comments, and only your H-O-T-T-est takes for the Season 1 Mailbag:

Season 2 will drop in a few weeks. If that's just too long to wait, don't forget you can access bonus content over on the Patreon or listen to our Season 1 companion playlists over on Spotify.

Big thanks to Josh Stauffer (@avoidohio) for designing our Skip/Shuffle/Repeat logo!

What is Skip/Shuffle/Repeat?

A podcast about compact memories in jewel cases. Melody and Tara are exploring music and friendship through one of their favorite music artifacts: the compact disc. In each episode, they'll discuss a CD from Melody's expansive collection as they celebrate the sounds that shaped their lives.

Check out our Spotify for episode playlists: Skip/Shuffle/Repeat.

Send us your thoughts and questions for the mailbag episode:

Follow us on Instagram for bonus content: skipshufflerepeat.