Infinite Live with Akasha

Dolphin Healing & Vibratory Assistance in Holding Your Light with Donna-Marie and Akasha

We had a blast - you will laugh, cry and raise your vibration off the charts! Donna-Marie began to receive dolphins coming in before we began and they ended up guiding an incredible healing with Gold light, gold rings, sonar and more. The High Priestess of Dolphins came in and we all vibrated off the charts. Incredible messages of empowerment like "Stay in Hope, do not get distracted by the dark, and stop listening to what does not serve you". From how to use breath to raise your vibration or detach from fear and sadness to detachment being a key to staying in a higher state as you walk through this "necessary time of breakdowns". Trust and learn to unhook from feeling helpless or lost and be in the moment. You will leave this call in joy and buzzing with good vibes as the dolphins lifted the heavy energies of fear sticking to everyone on the planet and brought in the play vibration. You will love this call!

Show Notes

BlissLife Global Healing Series 2 Soul Purpose Awakening with Akasha and Donna-Marie

Donna-Marie is an Intuitive Light Worker, Medium and Facilitator of Transformational
Energy Healing. Her ability to connect with Spirit allows access to Divine Light
Consciousness. This includes The Ascendant Masters, Healing Masters, The
Angelic realm, The Archangels, Wisdom of the Ancients, High Priestesses, Celtic
Goddesses and the planetary support of the Intergalactic and more...

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Manifest The Life Your Soul Intended. Adventures in LightBody and Beyond.

BlissLife with Akasha is a weekly podcast with host Nan Akasha. Come join Akasha's adventures in LightBody and Beyond.

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