Quick N' Nerdy

How much would it take for you to give up your social media? Research suggests it would take a lot (not even your pets are safe). Join Rod Stewart and Bryan Adams (aka Cody B Nice and Dunny Dunyel [in that order]) as they delve even further into the relationship between social media and mental health. Specifically, Rod and Bryan describe how social media leans into some vulnerabilities of the brain, as they make an effort to decipher contradicting findings in social science research, and, lastly, make a conclusion about whether the evidence defines social media as inherently compromising for mental health.  To achieve this, the nerds briefly cover some aspects of social science research that influence how accurate findings are which allows for a more evaluative consumption of what the findings suggest regarding the relationship between social science and mental health. Hang in there on this one to learn more about whether the evidence defines that relationship as absolutely negative.

What is Quick N' Nerdy?

This show is intended to provide a short and quirky look into psychological and other wellness topics. Bonus points are awarded to those who can endure the antics of Bert and Ernie (aka Dan and Cody). If you stick with the show long enough you just may come across some nuggets of knowledge. Try to find joy in sifting through the muck to find the meaning.