Diving Deep with DL

You ever been accused of doing something other than what you say you would do? Do you expect God to do what He says? Jesus is commanding His disciples to live as yes or no has significant importance, and are not just mere words proceeding from your mouth.

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Jesus says in Matthew 5:37, "Let what you say be simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything more than this comes from evil.” As a disciple of Jesus, you are called to live by God's Word. What will it take to live this truth of God? Does your signature make you faithful to your commitments? Remember, NGA applies... it's either YES or NO. Because there's No Gray Area with God.
To Him, it's either YES or No! 

What is Diving Deep with DL?

By the power of God the Holy Spirit, I have an opportunity to spread the gospel. As a disciple of Jesus, I desire to live out Matthew 28:19, "Go therefore and make disciples..."
My questions are, "Are you making disciples? Do you know how to make them? Is God's Living Word ALIVE in you? Today many are just floating on the surface, I want to dive DEEPLY into God's Word! Want to know more about God's Word, truths, love, and the plans He has for you?
You got your tanks, LET'S DIVE IN!