
It's our monthly update on the Circa Millions contest plus the weirdest sex story you've ever heard. Does thos taste like arsenic to you?

In the middle of an ordinary Tuesday afternoon, John’s phone suddenly went berserk. It wasn’t the typical beeping or buzzing; it was as if his smartphone had indulged in a night of heavy drinking. The screen displayed a dizzying array of flashing colors and bizarre symbols, leaving John perplexed and a tad amused.

Desperate to regain control, John consulted online forums, seeking advice on how to sober up his intoxicated device. Hours turned into a comical tech-savvy battle, but eventually, he managed to restore his phone to sobriety, at least for the time being.

Later that day, John received a cryptic message from a friend that read, “It’s our monthly update on the Circa Millions contest.” Curiosity piqued, he discovered it was a thrilling competition offering a chance to win a life-changing fortune. His mundane day suddenly took an exciting turn as he decided to dive headfirst into the contest.

As John continued to navigate through this whirlwind of events, he couldn’t help but wonder if the odd message, “Does this taste like arsenic to you?” was a coded message or simply the result of a misdirected text. The day had taken an unexpected and surreal turn, and he couldn’t wait to see where the bizarre journey would lead him next.

What is TaiV2?

This is a postscript to the long running cult Las Vegas podcast This Ain’t Iowa. Brian Mollica has to deal with a rotating cast of cohosts. Who will return, Fobes, Patch, Aussie Tony(spoiler alert, sfyl) or even the original host, the man, the myth, the legend Tommy Dutch?