The Civilian Protection Podcast

A people-centered approach to UN Peacekeeping makes sense as a concept-- listen and learn from the communities you are mandated to protect -- but how is it actually implemented in practice? Speaking with experts from the Central African Republic, South Sudan, and United Nations Headquarters, this episode explores the need for applying a people-centered approach in peacekeeping contexts and the complexities of effectively implementing this approach.

Show Notes

A people-centered approach to UN Peacekeeping makes sense as a concept-- listen and learn from the communities you are mandated to protect -- but how is it actually implemented in practice? Speaking with experts from the Central African Republic, South Sudan, and United Nations Headquarters, this episode explores the need for applying a people-centered approach in peacekeeping contexts and the complexities of effectively implementing this approach.

  • Kessy Ekomo-Soignet (Founder and Executive Director of youth-led NGO URU and General Director at Peace Development Watch)
  • Marco Donati (Civil Affairs Team Leader, UN Department of Peace Operations)
  • Geoffrey L. Duke (Director, South Sudan Action Network on Small Arms (SSANSA)) 
This podcast is brought to you by CIVIC and PAX.  This episode was written by Marc Garlasco, Annie Shiel, Selma van Oostwaard, Hans Row, Monica Zuraw, and Ari Tolany.

What is The Civilian Protection Podcast?

Every day, 100 civilians are killed in conflict and countless more are harmed, often without recognition, recourse, or justice. Yet their perspectives are repeatedly missing from the stories we tell about war and the way we think about war’s costs.

The Civilian Protection Podcast, brought to you by CIVIC and PAX, shares the voices of people affected by war, the dangers they face, the choices they make, and what can be done to better protect them -- because we believe it’s time to put them at the center of the discussion.

Center for Civilians in Conflict (CIVIC) envisions a world in which no civilian is harmed in conflict. We support communities affected by conflict in their quest for protection and strengthen the resolve and capacity of armed actors to prevent and respond to civilian harm.

PAX works to protect civilians living in conflict. Our purpose is to reduce civilian harm, end armed violence and build sustainable peace around the world. To achieve this, we work closely with civil society and authorities at local and international levels to put civilian perspectives first.