The Everything Sequel Podcast

We're not tossing away our commentary like Luke abandoning his lightsaber because we, once again, have to break this episode into two parts. It's Star Wars people. We can't help it. So here's Part 1 of The Last Jedi! You'll hear what we think of the moment in which Luke tosses his lightsaber away from Rey, the character arcs, swaps, introductions and reversals performed in this sequel and we'll manage to squeeze in what we think about Rey's cave sequence before signing off because we did not save the cave for the next episode.
Thanks to our monthly supporters
  • Nichole Peterson
  • Steve Weiss
  • Matthew Aldrich
  • Edward Lankford
  • Heather Sahami

Creators & Guests

Michael Shantz
Michael Shantz is an actor, writer and director as well as an educator. He teaches drama and theatre to all grades for several non-profits.
Tom Steward
Tom Steward is a writer, actor and director and an educator at UCSD. He's also taught at Platt College and been a lecturer at the University of Nottingham.

What is The Everything Sequel Podcast?

The Everything Sequel podcast is dedicated to discussing the most difficult of movies to get right, the sequel. Follow the adventures of movie lovers Michael Shantz & Tom Steward.