Attributed - A podcast by Dreamdata

On this episode of Attributed Steffen Hedebrandt CMO and Co-founder at Dreamdata is a guest on the CMO Convo Podcast hosted by Will Whitham. 

They dive deep into the world of marketing attribution, particularly in the context of B2B. In B2B marketing, where buying cycles are often lengthy and the customer journey involves multiple touchpoints, tracking each step of the process is crucial to making informed decisions about your marketing investments.

However, there's a challenge that many B2B marketers face. The tools commonly found in modern B2B marketing tech stacks often fall short in simplifying attribution, and in some cases, they might even hinder accurate tracking.

Steffen and Will are exploring the intricacies of B2B marketing attribution, providing valuable insights into the current state of B2B marketing attribution, shedding light on the issues associated with modern tech stacks, and discussing potential solutions to these challenges. Tune in to gain a deeper understanding of the evolving landscape of B2B marketing attribution. 

For more episodes go to the CMO Convo Podcast:
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Follow Steffen Hedebrandt on LinkedIn:

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What is Attributed - A podcast by Dreamdata?

Welcome to the Attributed Podcast by Dreamdata where every week we host inspiring guests from across the B2B go-to-market space. Together we explore the biggest challenges facing Marketing, Sales, and Ops teams and discuss innovative ways to optimise growth and fire up revenue.