
In this episode, Steve and Alex dive deep into analyzing the sci-fi epic Dune directed by Denis Villeneuve. They discuss the film's plot, character development, emotional resonance, and how well it accomplishes what it sets out to do categorically.

Through their trademark "Meat-O-Meter" rating system, Steve and Alex rank movies on a scale of 1-5 based on the quality of cut of meat the film would receive.

Between analysis of the book adaptations, Hans Zimmer's phenomenal score, and dissecting the balance of sci-fi and fantasy elements, Steve and Alex find much to praise in Dune's world-building and storytelling. They also touch on the challenges of adapting such a dense, thought-provoking story for film.

What is Storyworld?

The world of "story" has captivated humanity since the dawn of time. The oldest known form of communication, verbal storytelling is responsible for the continuity and development of civilization from its most primitive moments to its most advanced. Story invokes a sense of mystical wonder, but is also a powerful medium for communicating real and concrete ideas that shape people's lives and make them take action. Steve Schramm (Marketer, Non-Fiction Writer, and Story Nerd) and Alex Giguere (Fiction Writer, Wannabe Game Designer, and Story Nerd) join forces as worlds collide to discuss how "story" is the most powerful concept ever known, and how it interacts with each and every aspect of our lives -- from the most magical to the most mundane.