The Up and to the Right | Small Business | Practical, Actionable, Sustainable Improvements

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It’s time to roll up our sleeves and get to work with another episode of the Up and to the Right Podcast.

Have you ever tried to explain how your business makes money? At first it might seem like a silly question.  But let's take a closer look and see if we can get some value out of the business model!

“I buy stuff from a wholesaler and sell it to the public…” 

“I make awesome furniture and sell it…”

We describe the process of creating or adding value and delivering that value to a customer a business model.

Why does it matter to you? 

There are many ways to create and deliver value and the better you understand your best business model or dare I say ‘business models’ (you don’t have to limit yourself to just one) - the better you will be able to make that system work well for you.

You may also find that you want to change or add it to better fit your market and business needs.

In episode 24 I’m going to touch on the concept of business modeling in the first of a two part series.

Click the link above or use your favorite pod catcher to listen to the full episode.

In the interests of actually producing the podcast and getting it out regularly I've dumped the intro videos. Is that a mistake? Let me know at!

Thanks for listening!

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What is The Up and to the Right | Small Business | Practical, Actionable, Sustainable Improvements?

Welcome to Up and to the Right, the no-nonsense podcast where we blend your passion with proven business principles and practical tips, empowering you to create the impact and success you envision.

Hosted by Stephen Krausse, the show covers what matters to small business owners, startups, and people interested in becoming entrepreneurs. No buzzwords and no hyped-up trends!

A graduate of Colorado State University's College of Business, Stephen has an academic background that compliments over 25 years of business operations and management experience. He started his first business as a freshman in college in 1987, recording and producing demo tapes for local bands. Since that time, he’s been involved with numerous successful small businesses, including the operation and management of a niche high-tech company with customers and suppliers worldwide.

As a business professional by education and trade, he works with select business owners to blend their passion with proven principles, giving them the edge they need to achieve their unique impact. Stephen is always researching new products, ideas, and innovations - consuming content through audiobooks, podcasts, and online resources, and connecting with other professionals locally and abroad.

Now he’s sharing practical tips and ideas to help you get real work done. This isn’t about fancy solutions requiring a considerable investment or changing how you do your best work. You’ll discover ideas that will allow you to integrate proven principles into the way you already get things done. You’ll get practical ideas to easily replicate, modify, and integrate into what you already do.

Up and to the Right covers topics like getting value out of a business model, outsourcing, hiring for small businesses, working across platforms, productivity and efficiency hacks, building revenue streams, communication and planning, and more! Some episodes will have related downloads available from the show notes page below or unique segments with guests who have industry-specific tips that would be helpful.

It’s time to roll up your sleeves and get to work. Listen to Up and to the Right with Stephen Krausse today.