Christ Community Church - Leawood Campus - SUNDAY MESSAGES

Ruth 1: 1-5 // Tom Nelson

Advent is a season of both waiting & expectation. A time for each of us to slow down and reflect on the story of our lives and what God is doing in our world. As we journey through this Advent season as a church, we are peering into the lives of characters in the bible who looked at the brokenness, uncertainty, and suffering in their life and saw something different. As human beings, we are hardwired to belong, to fit into a community, when we don’t experience the secure attachment of belonging we encounter the deep pain of soul-suffocating aloneness. When we don’t belong, we feel like an outsider in an insider world. God welcomes the outsider to His family and Ruth is the ultimate outsider—yet she is never outside the loving eyes of God. God sees those most unseen. God uses the most unlikely to be a part of the most impossible.

Sermon Notes:
Prayer Requests:


What is Christ Community Church - Leawood Campus - SUNDAY MESSAGES?

This podcast features the Sunday morning messages from Christ Community Church's Leawood Campus.