Nobody hates rules more than Jen & Alise, okay...mostly Alise. Rules are meant to be broken, right? Yes, unless they are postpartum rules and you don't plan to live your life peeing your pants every time you sneeze. This week we are discussing Alise's rules of 3 so you can heal and recover from this big transition.

Show Notes

The words "bounce back" are like nails down a chalkboard to Jen and Alise. It took a lot of time, restless legs, pickles and ice cream and big changes to grow a baby. You can't expect to bounce back to where you started overnight. You're best shot at healing is front loading your rest and recovery with laying low with Alise's rule of 3. If taking it easy makes you panic, don't worry Jen has your hall pass.

Don't miss out on Jen giving Alise some rules as well. Alise isn't recovering from giving birth but she might be in the middle of a hair crisis.


Pushing It Podcast is here to help you bring your "F" word (AKA flexibility) to birth, find courage, and gain a sense of humor. Jen and Alise get honest and real about pregnancy, birth, and life with a baby. Finally, a podcast for everyone else having a baby that wants the down and dirty truth from Professionals who believe there is no "right" way to birth or parent. Jen and Alise have your back because if you can't laugh without peeing yourself, you might as well laugh at yourself while doing it. Birth is never boring, learning about shouldn't be either.