Cumi Cheree

In this episode, Dena Cheree shares her personal journey of trusting God's provision and experiencing His faithfulness. She recounts how she left her job and asked God for a break, only to face financial struggles and uncertainty. Despite the challenges, she learned to trust God's timing and provision, witnessing His miracles in her life. Through her story, she encourages listeners to trust God even when things don't go as expected and to deepen their relationship with Him.

  • Trust in God's provision and timing, even when things don't go as expected.
  • God can provide for all our needs, even in the midst of financial struggles.
  • Building a deeper relationship with God allows us to experience His faithfulness and guidance.
  • Praising and worshiping God in difficult times can bring breakthrough and strengthen our faith.

What is Cumi Cheree ?

Cumi Cheree means "Arise, Beloved." Cumi Cheree is a fresh invitation to women to embody the rest that comes from trusting God. As we embark on this wellness journey with you, we will explore our personal struggles and victories--as well as those of other women. We look forward to being vulnerable with you--for it is when we are weak that we are strong.