Finneran's Wake

The inaugural "Concise Recap" on Finneran's Wake! For those short on time, but on long on curiosity; for those to whom news and politics are an interest, but whose time is limited.

The three most important news items of which you should be aware, with which you should be fluent, all brought to you in a half-hour's time:

1.) A racially-motivated shooting in Buffalo claimed the lives of 10 people, whom the assailant–a young white supremacist–deliberately targeted.

2.) The stock market suffered its worst week since the beginning of the COVID pandemic. The financial future of the country appears to be, at best, inauspicious.

3.) The Disinformation Governance Board, whose creation was announced just three weeks ago, has dissolved.

An enduring thanks to Duke Ellington for his musical contribution, and his inimitable genius.

What is Finneran's Wake?

Finneran’s Wake – where the ART OF CONVERSATION lives.

Here, no topic is untouchable, no idea inadmissible, and no one too heretical to be heard.

As the great French essayist Montaigne once said, “To my taste, the most fruitful and natural exercise of our minds is CONVERSATION. I find the practice of it the most delightful activity in our lives”.

It certainly is the most delightful activity in my life. I want it to be so in yours as well.

To that end, I humbly welcome you to my channel.

Here, we'll exercise our minds together. Here, we'll practice this delightful activity as friends. We'll engage, now and forever, in the art--the highest and most human art--of conversation!

With affection,