Default Alive

Corey notices low new member signups for Swipe Files and thinks about how to introduce ways to give people a taste of the membership. Chris deals with some of the not-so-fun realities of running a business. They also talk about platform risk and playing the part of an independent recruiter.

Show Notes

Corey notices low new member signups for Swipe Files and thinks about how to introduce ways to give people a taste of the membership. Chris deals with some of the not-so-fun realities of running a business. They also talk about platform risk and playing the part of an independent recruiter.

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Creators & Guests

Chris Spags
Founder of Jetboost
Corey Haines
Cofounder of SwipeWell & Founder of Swipe Files

What is Default Alive?

Two founders share an unedited look at what it's like to bootstrap a startup through weekly updates. Chris Spags is the founder of Jetboost, a suite of no-code plugins for Webflow. Corey Haines is the founder of Swipe Files, a membership site for marketers built with no-code tools. They chronicle their journeys getting to and staying "default alive": profitable, self-sustaining, with infinite runway.