The Stoic Pirate

Join us for a transformative journey on this episode of “The Stoic Pirate,” where we delve into the profound Stoic principle of the Dichotomy of Control. Discover how this ancient wisdom teaches us to distinguish between what we can control and what we cannot, reshaping our lives through the power of focus and resilience.

In this episode, we explore how life, much like navigating a vast and unpredictable sea, presents us with elements we cannot control—such as the weather or the actions of others. Yet, it also offers us the steering wheel of our actions, thoughts, and responses, empowering us to navigate through challenges with grace and effectiveness.

This episode challenges you to shift your focus from the uncontrollable to the controllable, starting with a simple daily practice of acknowledging what lies within your power to change.

What is The Stoic Pirate?

The stoic pirate is on a quest for the treasure of the good life. On his journey, he encounters philosophical, psychological and political questions.

The intention of the stoic pirate is to encourage critical reflection and motivate people to be more humane, magnanimous and courageous.

The pirates were not satisfied with the prevailing social norms, they questioned and tried to break new ground.

The podcast is aimed at open-minded people, mavericks and those for whom today's culture of debate and discussion has become too simple-minded, opinionated and politically correct.