Birmingham Heritage Week is from the 9th - 18th September this year.
This year, 100 Birmingham based organisations and societies, involving thousands of staff and volunteer hours, will open their doors and offer events to show off what Birmingham has to offer. With over 150 events to choose from – ranging from talks, walks, workshops, outdoor performances, building tours and open days to heritage themed cycling and running tours – there is something for everyone. Discover what’s on your doorstep.
This week, Dave Massey talks to Irene De Boo about her role in organising and coordinating Birmingham Heritage Week. She talks about all the exciting events happening this year and discusses her experiences in previous years with disruptions from COVID-19.
You can find out more about Birmingham Heritage Week here: this episode? You can listen to BrumHour live on Mondays at 6pm on Brum Radio at and get networking with #BrumHour every Sunday at 8pm on Twitter.