Peak TV

Rhianna Dhillon stops by the kitchen of Peak TV to recap the first two seasons of The Bear ahead of reviewing the newest season. 

PEAK TV is hosted and produced by Mike Muncer and Anna Bogutskaya.  

New episodes every Tuesday. 

Creators & Guests

Anna Bogutskaya
author UNLIKEABLE FEMALE CHARACTERS • critic/broadcaster/host • programmer @edfilmfest @fantasticfest • host @thefinalgirlsuk • FRSA • rep @sileloquies
Rhianna Dhillon
Film and TV critic, broadcaster & Harry Potter nerd. @BBC6Music | @BAFTA | @podpodofficial | @bbc5live (she/her) Opinions My Own!

What is Peak TV ?

Anna Bogutskaya and Mike Muncer (the podcasters formerly known as The Successionistas) review, recap and break down the most talked about TV shows and series.