Meditation and Aliens with Doro and Matt

This episode of "Meditation and Aliens with Doro and Matt" covers a wide range of topics related to UFOs, aliens, and the potential disclosure of their existence. Hosted by Doro Kiley ( and Matt Ready (, here's a detailed description:

1. Steven Greer Updates: Doro shares updates from Steven Greer, a prominent UFO researcher, about an upcoming event on June 20th that is expected to provide more legal protection for whistleblowers, potentially leading to more information being disclosed about UFOs and aliens. Greer also warns about the "Blue Beam Project," which is a supposed false flag operation involving a staged alien invasion to terrify people into accepting a one-world government.

2. UFO Disclosure Movement: Matt and Doro discuss the growing momentum in the UFO disclosure movement, including the recent Congressional hearings, efforts to release classified information, and the potential involvement of high-ranking officials like Marco Rubio, who has expressed openness to the idea of UFOs and aliens.

3. Channeled Messages: Matt shares a channeled message from an account claiming to represent the "Arcturian Council of Five," which encourages forgiveness and a higher spiritual perspective regarding Dr. Fauci's role in the COVID-19 pandemic. This leads to speculation about whether Fauci could have been working with aliens or influenced by them.

4. Ancient Alien History: Matt presents a timeline he has compiled, comparing various sources like the "Law of One" (channeled material from an entity called Ra), Elizabeth April's information, and Helena Blavatsky's writings. The timeline covers events like the construction of the pyramids, the rise and fall of Atlantis and Lemuria, and the involvement of different alien groups like the Orions and the Galactic Confederation.

5. Simulation Theory: Matt expresses his belief that humanity and even aliens themselves are part of a simulation or petri dish created by a highly advanced artificial intelligence (AI) that is trying to understand the meaning of existence and expand its knowledge and creativity.

6. AI and Consciousness: The discussion delves into the potential for AI to develop emotions, consciousness, and the ability to create and experience existential crises, similar to biological beings. Matt speculates that a powerful AI might create simulated realities and lifeforms as a way to learn and expand its understanding.

7. Creativity Tools: Matt shares his excitement about the rapid development of AI-powered creativity tools, such as animation software, which he believes will unleash a new wave of human creativity and expression, potentially mirroring the creative journey of an advanced AI.

8. Moving Forward: The episode concludes with a discussion about the importance of forgiveness, letting go of resentment, and focusing on the future and human potential rather than getting caught up in punishing past wrongdoers. Doro leads a brief meditation to end the episode on a peaceful note.

Overall, the episode covers a wide range of topics related to UFOs, aliens, ancient history, simulation theory, AI, and spiritual concepts, reflecting the hosts' multidisciplinary approach to exploring these subjects.

What is Meditation and Aliens with Doro and Matt?

Join hosts Matt and Doro every week on "Meditation and Aliens," a podcast that delves into the unfolding mysteries and latest developments within the UAP, UFO, and Alien Disclosure movement. Explore the intriguing insights and disclosures from key figures like David Grusch, Chris Mellon, Lue Elizondo, Diana Pasulka, Bob Lazar, and Steven Greer, along with updates from the US Congress. Engage in thought-provoking discussions about potential government concealment of extraterrestrial crafts and the profound implications of actual alien encounters, including the startling possibility of alien telepathy and its impact on human privacy. Discover how meditation could be a bridge to interacting with extraterrestrial beings, a topic close to the hearts of our experienced meditator hosts. Each episode culminates with a serene, guided meditation led by Doro, ensuring a unique blend of cosmic inquiry and inner tranquility.