Kalam Astro

Kalam Astro Trailer Bonus Episode 76 Season 1

Earth Black Hole Hypothesis and Celestial Wonders

Earth Black Hole Hypothesis and Celestial Wonders Earth Black Hole Hypothesis and Celestial Wonders

We contemplate what would happen if our planet Earth somehow became a massive black hole in an imaginative "what if" scenario.

This week's facts cover rogue planets drifting through interstellar space, sounds detected in orbit, and stunning auroras seen from astronauts' vantage point.

Our information segment illuminates the icy, dusty nature and behaviors of comets in our solar system and beyond.

During Q&A, we field questions from listeners about new telescope technologies, searching for Oumuamua's origin and more cosmic queries.
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What is Kalam Astro?

Alya Al Nuaimi invites you to embark on an intergalactic adventure through the cosmos with Kalam Astro. Stay up to date with the latest global and local astronomy news, including interviews with industry experts, and discover the secrets of the universe with mind-bending theories. Want some helpful tips on stargazing? Alya has got you covered.