Market Like A Rockstar

Dive into the world of content creation with episode two of "Market Like a Rockstar," where RPI embarks on a journey of beginning anew. This episode is a rallying cry for procrastinators and the hesitant – it's a call to action to start your content marketing journey today, not tomorrow. 

With a candid discussion on overcoming the paralysis of perfection and the myths of not having 'the right time' or 'enough resources,' RPI dispels the fears surrounding content creation. Whether you're a novice or on the brink of starting, this episode is your motivational playbook, loaded with practical advice and the empowering mantra: "Stop Selling, Start Telling."

What is Market Like A Rockstar?

Welcome to "Market Like a Rockstar," your gateway to brand empowerment and a masterclass located at the intersection of business, mindset, and marketing! Host Ryan Imming (RPI), who seamlessly blended nearly two decades of building his personal brand as a musician with 6 successful years of steering his own marketing agency, unveils the pivotal strategy: Stop Selling, Start Telling. Having applied these very strategies to elevate his small and medium business clients, Ryan brings to the table a wealth of practical, proven marketing wisdom. “Telling” here is not just sharing; it’s crafting narratives through stories and advice, creating genuine connections, and sculpting brands that resonate, captivate, and build trust. Tailored for entrepreneurs, business owners, and marketing professionals, this podcast delivers a blend of compelling stories and expert advice, ensuring you’re adeptly equipped to navigate the ever-evolving world of content creation and distribution. Your journey to establishing a magnetic and trusted brand begins now!